2 edb Aug 16, 2009 00:48

I have no idea how to break a display...and am having trouble visualizing what you're talking about so guess I'm out of luck.
However, your validation "suggestion" brings up a question I have for a long time...
How do I "validate" code that is being written by b2evo
These errors are not on my skin...but are coming from the php code inserted into it
Can I even affect the errors coming from the php?
Well some of the style sheet errors are most certainly coming from b2evolution. The evobar stuff eh? Personally I got rid of the evobar from my public side AND from the css associated with the public side cuz it simply doesn't do any good. My opinion only.
The remaining errors in your xhtml most certainly are from your skin. The lack of a closing body and html tag isn't something that came with b2evo is what I mean. Generally speaking one can find a few xhtml validation errors in a 'stock' installation due primarily to how the date stamps are all the same. I forget what errors it makes, but it makes some which are not the ones you have left.
Well anyway you've gotten this far with your plan so I'm thinking the rest shouldn't be so hard. Let's see...
umm... wait a minute. There was a comment on a post earlier but now it is gone. Its gonna be hard for anyone to offer any help if you don't show the problem ya know? Oh well. Sorry.
There was a comment on a post earlier but now it is gone. Its gonna be hard for anyone to offer any help if you don't show the problem ya know? Oh well. Sorry.
Not sure what you mean by show the problem...
What I want to do is have my comments show up as they do on the website referenced above...no matter what I've tried...creates a variety of errors...mostly dealing with calling a non-object.
I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction to
1. prevent the comments and comment form from automatically displaying below the post....
2. making same appear in a different div
Referencing the other post in your text without linking to it doesn't help. Anyway the other thread is very unrelated. What you need to do is radically overhaul how b2evolution opens and closes divs for single post pages. Typically the post and comments will be contained in one div, with style doing bits and bobbles to make them be how you want.
Well first thought first. You could break that bond and close the post div before opening a new "mother div" for all comments associated with the post. Then use style to put the divs where you need them.
Alternatively, and I thought of it after I typed, you might be able to ... no never mind. Once the "div that holds posts and comments" is opened and positioned it is what it is. So you would have to either split them or put them in a table with a TD for the post and another TD for the comments.
You also need to review your markup a bit. http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cicadagallery.net%2Fcicada%2Fblog2.php%2Ftitle and http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css21&warning=0&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cicadagallery.net%2Fcicada%2Fblog2.php%2Ftitle are not good places to be if you are trying to troubleshoot and/or customize further.
OT: horizontal scrolling is, IMHO, ugly beyond belief. Kinda neat though. Unless I don't enable javascript. Then its not so neat because I have to use the scroll bar or arrow pad. Which isn't so bad I guess because normally that is how one does it. So maybe it isn't ugly beyond belief. Maybe to my eye it just looks like a poorly coded page because nobody likes a horizontal scroll bar. wow this sucks. now I have to re-evaluate my place in the universe and the universe's place in me. All because of an intentional horizontal scroll bar. >:-<