2 john Aug 11, 2009 00:20

There is something really strange going on here. If I use the 3 column evocamp skin provided with the blog software, the front page of the blog displays the columns wrong. The far right sidebar prints under the post list.
But. If I press "read more" for one of the posts, then the post is displayed properly with the evocamp skin properly displaying all 3 columns with the widgets.
For the moment I am leaving the evocamp skin on the blog, which can be found at
If you click the link you will go to the intro page. If you look at the bottom of the post list you will see a "comments" widget and the B2 logo. There is no printing on the far right where the sidebar should go.
If you then pick any post and click "read more", the post will display and you will now see the "comments" widget over on the far right where it belongs.
I do not think this is simple operator error as the respondent suggests. What could I do to the software to make the intro page display one way and the posts display another way, when they both use the same widget and skin setup?
Are you sure you have uploaded all the new files for the new skins?
The evocamp demo works fine, as does the asevo skin.
I copied the update files to the directory and uploaded all of them.
I just discovered something even stranger. Another blog in the same blog installation is using the evocamp skin fine and displaying all three columns properly.
If you flip between that blog and the problem blog
You can see up at top that the blogs are both part of the same blog installation. The health blog prints the evocamp skin with 3 containers fine, while the main page/post listing page of the Anorexia blog prints sidebar 2 under the posts listing, but in the actual posts themselves, sidebar 2 prints where it should to the far right.
This all seems to be because both of those blogs are actually using different skins.
Blog 3 is using a skin called 'Test' and Blog 5 is using 'evocamp'. If you look at the css (style.css) for each of those skins there are a few differences between them, which is why they are not viewing the same.
I am not sure where the 'Test' skin comes from but I would check what skin each of the blogs are using and make sure they are all the same - probably set them all to the 'Test' skin as that seems to be working for you.
The skins were being changed back and forth in an attempt to see what was going on which is why the pictures up top show the asevo skin and the later references are to the evocamp skin. The test skin is an evocamp skin with some minor changes.
I changed the skin as you suggested and there is still a display problem.
The blog is small enough that I created a new one and copied the posts over. The new one seems to be displaying like I want. It is easier to delete the problem blog than deal with it.
Thanks for your help.
No worries :D
Oh boy. It didn't work.
I made a backup blog and copied the posts over. The backup blog uses a 2 column skin that displays fine.
I then deleted the problem blog.
Then I made a new blog with the exact same name as the one that was deleted. I copied the posts from the backup to the new blog, and used the same skin the backup blog was using.
The new blog is displaying the sidebar under the posts.
I checked both blogs to ensure the skins are the same and unless I am blind they are the same skin. The widget list is identical for both unless I am tired and can't see straight.
It has to be something with the software. The backup blog looks fine with the sidebar on the right as it should be.
but the exact same posts in a new blog with the same name as the deleted problem blog shows the widgets at the bottom of the post list.
How very strange
This could be something to do with post content. If you look at blog 9 it displays fine but has less posts displayed. Blog 10 doesn't look right and has more posts displayed on the homepage.
Also if you go to page 2 of posts on blog 9 the same thing happens as blog 10 which kind of indicates that it is something to do with one of the other posts - Anorexia Dent Example 05 or Anorexia Dent Example 06.
Your two skins have html differences, the one that fails has an unclosed div.
¥åßßå wrote:
Your two skins have html differences, the one that fails has an unclosed div.
Thanks! You are the Man! This had been driving me crazy!
You need to check Widgets in the Admin and sort out which containers each of your widgets are in.
You will also need to check where widget containers are in the index.php
I'm moving this to the appropriate forum.