2 pirsquared Aug 29, 2009 16:26

I did some further inverstigation, and it is clear that the B2E 331 install script does not work correctly with PHP530.
It seems to be that PHP530 is very strict in regard to definitions and calling by value <> by reference.
What ever the ^Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in ^ are errors in regard to PHP530 <> B2E.
There are more errors not unlikely also related to PHP530 <> B2E
What ever causes exactly the problem, I do not get get B2E installed on a completely clean and working latest XAMPP release.
I am afraid that I have to wait with installing b2e up to the moment someone updated the b2e script to deal with PHP530 :<
Well, the errors won't go away until we drop support for PHP 4, but that won't happen any time soon.
A possible workaround is as follows: Open the file blogs/conf/_advanced.php and change line 37 from
error_reporting( E_ALL );
error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED );
louis wrote:
I did some further inverstigation, and it is clear that the B2E 331 install script does not work correctly with PHP530.
These are not errors; they are warnings. I'm not using XAMPP, but b2evolution 3.3.1 works just fine on my local test server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.3.0.
louis wrote:
I am afraid that I have to wait with installing b2e up to the moment someone updated the b2e script to deal with PHP530 :<
You only need to modify your error reporting configuration so deprecation warnings are not reported, as suggested by Tblue and by me in the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=19306]above-linked thread[/url].
Thanks for the replays !!
I did change the "_advanced.php" :
error_reporting( E_ALL );
error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED );
That helped. But I also did something else, I might have misunderstood.
My target location was: <homepage>/blogs/
The b2evolution dir during install was <homepage>/b2evolution/
And during the install I changed the url to <homepge>/blogs
Perhaps that is not intended. To prevend possible problems, I did change
My target location was: <homepage>/be2/blogs
The b2evolution dir during install was <homepage>/b2e/
And during the install I changed the url to <homepge>/b2e/blogs
That directory was not the intended directory, but it worked.
See if this helps: