2 edb Aug 30, 2009 04:21

http://www.starcraftmethod.com/free-content is a good example... With the article excerpts on the left removed and replaced with blog posts, and the right column replaced with the necessary widgets.
Simplest solution.
Take your current websites layout and "slice" it into areas ... these will become containers ..... take any evo skin and rip out all the containers and replace them with your own
The rest is just css and images
Will this allow me to have my top navigation buttons as seen on my site?
Is there anyone who will do this for money?
Yes, and it really isn't that hard ... just imagine you were slicing an image in photoshop or summat and then add a container for every block ;)
You can find paid help on the professionals page .... urm @link [url=http://b2evolution.net/about/professionals.php]pro/custom help[/url] if you prefer.
Thanks for your response. I tried messaging a site but they wanted 250$ for something that I could probably do in an hour or two if I had the time. Can anyone could be on aim or msn and could help me? Or I will give you like 50$ and I will assist you as needed with any questions to chop up my page and make a skin that looks like it. Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh, we are one of the companies on that page, and I'm guessing you didn't get that quote from us, Scotts prices tend to involve more zero's ;)
Easiest way forward is to take a look at the custom skin, it *pretty* much has all the containers you need, you just need to fill them, the freehtml widget is your biggest friend ;) Most of your layout can be done by just changing the container parameters ( urm ... they array() stuff ), in index.main.php to put your rounded corner stuff on.
I don't do one to one msn/aim/whatever support I'm afraid, those are restricted to clients that I have an ongoing interest with, but you can get great, free, live support ( from myself included ... when I'm there ), from the irc channel ( #b2evolution on irc.freenode.net )
Which site on the list would be yours? You can PM if you cant say it here.
We're AstonishMe ... pretty sure we've whored ourselves here enough that another mention won't matter :D
*edit ... just in case ... Scott is also AstonishMe ;)
Probably, but without seeing what you want it is kinda hard to say "yeah that can be done". That's a hint for a link where interested persons can see what they'd be getting in to ;)