2 edb Aug 30, 2009 14:59

I never though of side bars, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
So how much space do you have on the sides of the page as it is currently?
With regards to kubrik themes, I'm not sure I understand. All the templates I can find are for wordpress, which aren't compatible with b2, if I'm right?
I've found a widescreen evopress template at the following url:
the only problem is that it isn't freely available. : [
evopress was initially kubrick, then kubrick2evo, then k2e. Then evopress. So to find a wide format evopress first find a wide format kubrick :)
I'm thinking about 900 pixels total. I should set up a page with a fixed width div and tweak the width until it forces a horizontal scroller with my sidebar thingie set to the narrowest it can be. Which is where I almost always have it. Plus I'm sure your browser plus browser theme/skin will change by a few pixels what 1024 might actually be given a sidebar thingie. And heck probably not all sidebar thingies are equal in their min-width sort of way.
Somewhere I read that 912 pixels was some sort of magical number, but that was due to how it could turn a unicorn into a pair of leprechauns who had a pocket full of rabbit's feet.
I think there is supposed to be a quick and dirty way to make a WP skin work (highly limitedly) in b2evo, but if it was me I'd use it for the images and the dimensions of the major css elements.
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1033]Slamp[/url] has already made a wide/large version I think. In his sig he has a link to demo:
Not sure if there is a download anywhere though
her, she ;)
Ah, thanks for the info : ]
I've edited the skin so that it fits to 800 width rather than 760. Everything seems to have gone smoothly, resized images manually etc...
Although, to my dismay, this skin handles multi-page posts differently. My adverts used to be on the right menu bar. With the bar gone, so are my ads. I'll try to add some at the bottom of each page.
See here:
Ooops, sorry about that. Should have paid a little more attention to the content of the blog although I failed french at school :D
While I'm here, does anyone know where the code for changing the color of active and visited links in posts would likely be placed?
Thanks again.
Edit: Sorted, it's in th style css, all declared at different points.
.bText p a:visited {
color: #0066cc;
Couple of thoughts...
That value only applies to single post pages. narrowcolumn is the main area on multi-post pages, widecolumn on singles. So you would have to affect changes in the css to a handful of elements to get 'er done. page, header, content, sidebar, narrowcolumn, widecolumn. maybe footer too.
Images to tweak would be the header, the content area background on multi-post pages, content area background on singles, and the footer.
Googling "kubrick themes" will yield a ton of results including some wide-body versions. kubrick being what evopress was based on.
1024 sounds fun and all but what happens when someone has 1024 pixels available but uses some of it for a browser sidebar thingie? Like me right now for example. My aggregator is open so I have a horizontal scroll bar due, I think, to the header section being too wide for the remaining portion of my monitor. Just a thought...