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1 Sep 10, 2009 08:50    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


important information

* multilevel quries like "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM table2);" are not allowed
* SELECT... INTO TABLE is not allowed

To access the database you can use Telnet access (avalable with premium packets) and use the interface "mysql monitor" In oder to create a connection from the webpages to the database you must wirte a CGI-script. We have installed the database interface (dbi) as well as MySQL-module for perl, so that you can easily work with perl programming language.

(translated form German)

at a later stage it states

further changes with Version 4:

* Query Cache
* UNION statement, a long-awaited standard SQL feature
* new character set, latin1_de
* Multi-table DELETE and UPDATE statements
* full text index (for searching in large texts)
* InnoDB/ InnoDB Transaction Model (seit 3.23.x)
* u.v.m.

I therefore wonder wether there is an alternative installation solution by doing the database update manually besides the automatic one?

Thanks so much for your advice.

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