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1 Sep 12, 2009 03:47    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Ive created a MySQL backup and full backup and now that I transferred em all to a new site, things won't work as expected.

The MySQL data base says wrong username/password, but I have no idea where to change this. I know how I can add/remove users from MySQL, but I have no idea how to do that within b2evolution.

Also as the site name is different, I'm sure it will require some modification to the database file, as it points to the older www location.

Help needed!

2 Sep 12, 2009 04:23

Edit /conf/_basic_config.php to reflect the new username and database name and password for the db at the new home. Also in that file you will want to set your $baseurl value to the new domain name IF you changed domain names. covers how to modify a database in-masse for like if you want to change to but there are some things that get jacked up when you do that. The free HTML widget come to mind as something I've always had to manually rebuild. But for changing content in a million posts at the same time it's a cool link.

3 Sep 12, 2009 10:46

Thanks, worked like a charm =). Used old UltraEdit32 to replace all the entries pointing to the old domain name.

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