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1 Sep 18, 2009 02:29    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Is it possible in any version of b2evolution to have admin-controlled archiving of posts, meaning in the edit post part or wherever else, have the admin chose when a post becomes archived instead of having it auto archive?

I am familiar with php and looked into modifying the source to do this myself, but it seems it would require alot of changes (including adding a column to the _items table to whether its archived or not) and I fear this would break future supported updates.

is there anyway I can get this feature without making heavy modifications to the code?

thank you.

2 Sep 18, 2009 02:57

Hi blipt. Welcome to the forums :)

First thought that comes to mind is boobies, but that's just me. Then I think "archives are always controlled by general settings and have never been controlled on a per-post basis" but you already got that figured out.

THEN I thought why not take advantage of the post visibility status called 'deprecated'? You could, in your mind and in your installation's skin, use 'deprecated' to mean 'archived'. NORMALLY deprecated posts are not visible to the outside world, but if you took a tiny crack at how archiving works you could PROBABLY convince it that it shows only deprecated posts.

This way your main page's post list would still be as long as it takes to cover all 'published' posts. Your archives link would then re-write the itemlist to include only deprecated posts, and show it in the fashion that archives do. The problem then would be getting each permalink to show up when it was called from the archives. In my mind right now I've no idea how you would go about doing that.

Anyway off the top of my head this seems like the path of least resistance in terms of not messing things up if you upgrade down the road some time.

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