2 tblue Sep 18, 2009 15:36

Hi TBlue.
I have taken a screen shot and saved in in mspaint as a .gif. How do I upload it here though?
I just can't see anywhere to attach a file.
Can anyone help me out here? The same problem still exists and it's doing my head in!
You can upload the image e. g. on http://imageshack.us .
When I got to write an article, the text does not display as I want it
Is this related to the "space between paragraphs" issue?
when I try to bring in the 'Read More' (Alt-M), it will not work.
Have you tried directly inserting "<!-- more -->" into the post's text?
On top of that, there is always a line of space between all paragraphs
Well, I would say that's a CSS problem.
I think you're right. I have tried everything at this stage.
A link to your site would be nice or, if that is not possible, a screenshot. :)