2 yabba Sep 19, 2009 13:37

Not too sure what is meant by domain@link installer!
I followed the install instructions given in the b2evolution website. viz.,
Install from scratch.......http://manual.b2evolution.net/Install_b2evolution
I followed the instructions to the letter and got the following info.
* This is b2evolution's basic config file.
* You do NOT need to edit this file. In most situations, the installer will do it for you.
* If however you are doing a MANUAL install, make sure you do NOT edit _basic_config.template.php !
* You should edit _basic_config.php instead. If _basic_config.php doesn't exist yet, then
* open _basic_config.template.php and SAVE it AS _basic_config.php.
* Reminder: every line starting with # or // is a comment, multiline comments are
* surrounded by '/*' and '* /' (without space).
* IMPORTANT: Take special care not to erase quotes (') around text parameters
* and semicolums (;) at the end of the lines. Otherwise you'll get some
* "unexpected T_STRING" parse errors!
* Contributors: you should override this file by creating a file named _config_TEST.php
* (see end of this file).
* @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
// TODO: dh> this file was meant to be used for things where you only need the basic config..
// fp> also:
// - At least _admin.php should only be called when in the backoffice.
// - Also we should probably start by moving as many conf options to the backoffice as possible and see how much stuff is left in conf files
// Note: some stuff does not make sense in the back-office (for example stuff that depends on the physical path where the files are installed)
// - In view of reorganization, please list (all or examples) of situations where only a subset of the conf should be loaded.
* Maintenance mode. Set this to 1 in order to temporarily disable access to the application.
* Note: it is still possible to access the install script during maintenance mode.
$maintenance_mode = 0;
// Below is an alternative hardcore version of maintenance mode.
// This one will block the install script too.
// Remove /* and */ to activate.
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
echo '<h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>';
die( 'The site is temporarily down for maintenance. Please reload this page in a few minutes.' );
* MySQL DB settings.
* Fill in your database details (check carefully or nothing will work!)
$db_config = array(
'user' => 'rhmercer_*******', // your MySQL username
'password' => '**********', // ...and password [info not given for security]
'name' => 'rhmercer_b2evolution', // the name of the database
'host' => 'localhost', // MySQL Server (typically 'localhost')
* the tables prefix (gets placed before each b2evo table name),
* use this to have multiple installations in one DB.
* @global string $tableprefix
$tableprefix = 'evo_';
* If you want to be able to reset your existing b2evolution tables and start anew
* you must set $allow_evodb_reset to 1.
$allow_evodb_reset = 0; // Set to 1 to enable. Do not leave this on 1 on production servers
* $baseurl is where your blogs reside by default. CHECK THIS CAREFULLY or nothing will work.
* It should be set to the URL where you can find the blog templates and/or the blog stub files,
* that means index.php, blog_b.php, etc.
* Note: Blogs can be in subdirectories of the baseurl. However, no blog should be outside
* of there, or some tricky things may fail (e-g: pingback)
* IMPORTANT: If you want to test b2evolution on your local machine, do NOT use that machine's
* name in the $baseurl!
* For example, if your machine is called HOMER, do not use http://homer/b2evolution/blogs/ !
* Use http://localhost/b2evolution/blogs/ instead. And log in on localhost too, not homer!
* If you don't, login cookies will not hold.
* @global string $baseurl
$baseurl = 'http://www.rhmercer.com/Myblog/';
// Use the following if you want to use the current domain:
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) )
{ // This only works if HOSt provided by webserver (i-e DOES NOT WORK IN PHP CLI MODE)
$baseurl = ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ) ) ?'https://':'http://')
* This is used only to create the Admin account.
* @todo move to installer.
$admin_email = 'postmaster@localhost';
* Once you have edited this file to your settings, set the following to 1 (one):
$config_is_done = 1; [I did not change this setting....it was already set]
# IMPORTANT: you will find more parameters in the other files of the /conf folder.
# It is however strongly recommended you browse through these files as soon as you've
# got your basic installation working. They'll let you customize a lot of things!
I cut and pasted this information into the config file as instructed so am still not able to see where, if at all, I went wrong.
Originally I put the /blog in my Public_html folder but when that apparently did not work I moved it to the base ie /home/rhmercer/Myblog
where it still did not work. Unfortunately being still in what one may call the primer stage I am not sure of any error I may have made. :oops:
Ok, lets start where you'd like to end up and install the blogs where you want them.
If you want them on http://rmercer.com/ then upload all the files and folders in the /blogs/ folder of the zip to /public_html/
If you want them on http://rmercer.com/blog/ then upload those files and folders to /public_html/blog/ instead.
Once you've done that, run the installer and fill in all the boxes.
It should burst into tears and tell you that it can't save the file, and it'll spit out the contents of the file that you need
Copy paste that code into a new notepad window and save it as _basic_config.php and upload that to /public_html/conf/ folder ( or /public_html/blog/conf/ )
Hopefully there'll also be a button on that screen saying "yeah, done that for you now just get on with it" ... if not then just click "install" at the top of the page.
With a tad of luck you'll now be able to continue on your merry way
¥åßßå wrote:
Ok, lets start where you'd like to end up and install the blogs where you want them.
If you want them on http://rmercer.com/ then upload all the files and folders in the /blogs/ folder of the zip to /public_html/
Did that....didn't work so........
If you want them on http://rmercer.com/blog/ then upload those files and folders to /public_html/blog/ instead.
Did that still didn't work...so....
Once you've done that, run the installer and fill in all the boxes.
Did that! Finally got it to recognize the database
It should burst into tears and tell you that it can't save the file, and it'll spit out the contents of the file that you need ...........
Did that!
Copy paste that code into a new notepad window and save it as _basic_config.php and upload that to /public_html/conf/ folder ( or /public_html/blog/conf/ )
Did that but notepad saved it as _basic_config.php.txt! So copied it manually to file [renamed template in another folder then moved it back to conf]
Hopefully there'll also be a button on that screen saying "yeah, done that for you now just get on with it" ... if not then just click "install" at the top of the page.
Didn't happen! It merely reloaded the same page over and over!
With a tad of luck you'll now be able to continue on your merry wayMerry? I would like that but cannot see it happening just yet!
Having been somewhat PO'd with the whole caboodle I deleted all and tried to upload all files using Cute FTP 8 Pro....what a major problem....now the install cannot even find the damned files at all!
Thanks for your input - I think I may take up knitting!
When you say "tried that ... didn't work", *what* didn't work? couldn't find installer? couldn't connect to database? couldn't ....?
If you want to pm me ftp credentials and your database details and tell me *where* you'd like your blogs to live I can try for you and see what happens?
¥åßßå wrote:
When you say "tried that ... didn't work", *what* didn't work? couldn't find installer? couldn't connect to database? couldn't ....?
Firstly the install could not recognize/find the database then when I finally got that corrected the installer apparently could not find the necessary files to be able to update the config. This I stated in my first post. As I said I copied the necessary info into the new _basic_config.php file but the installer merely kept returning to the page in which it said to do the copying! ie it could not apparently progress beyond that point. I tried to enter the blog site but got a message saying the config had not been updated and returned me to the same page as before. Maybe I should have changed the info in config to show $config_is_done=0.
I tried automatic installing through the CPanel but that only had version 2.4.5 and although it worked I feel that it is better to update to 3.3.1 which, of course, entails the same agony as before. However I am giving it one more attempt...............then I may take you up on your generous offer! Thanks in advance
¥åßßå wrote:
If you want to pm me ftp credentials and your database details and tell me *where* you'd like your blogs to live I can try for you and see what happens?
Assuming this is your domain @link [url=http://www.rhmercer.com/Myblog/install/index.php]installer[/url] it would appear that you haven't filled in your database details or your email in your /conf/_basic_config.php, just your baseurl?