2 bashy Sep 21, 2009 17:01

My b2evolution Version: 2.x
Hi folks
I am trying to use WLW with my blog and anything other than standard text the formatting is none existent.
For example, if i wrote the above in WLW it would work perfectly.
But if i wanted to add some text formatting and say an image it comes out like this
Hi Folks I am only testing the MS live Writer to see what it like. Do image work? img src="file:///C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Sample Pictures/Winter.jpg" width="300" height="300" / ol liLets add some bullet point now /li liheres another line /li liAnd another 1 /li /ol Ok lets see if the formatting works ok strongBOLD/strong font face="Tahoma" color="#0000ff" size="6"strongBlue/strong/font Now for a a href="http://www.northantsweather.com" target="_blank"link/a Hope it all works???
This is how its meant to look and how it looks in WLW preview
Like i say, just normal text works 100%
Writing blogs direct in b2evolution works 100%
Any ideas please?
Kind regards
Any ideas please folks?