2 edb Sep 23, 2009 00:57

:D (Vote) :|
... :D
Done :)
I noticed something I can't duplicate again. I briefly had a sideways scrollbar. Short little thing. Reloaded the page and it was gone. I had previously F11d the page because it seems the background is bottom justified, meaning her girlie bit was half concealed by the too-many bar thingies I have up top. Duplicating that (with other tabs open and blah blah) did not return the sideways scroller.
Another nice thing is that my old bifocal-enhanced eyes don't seem to mind the color scheme you've got there. For some reason I expected, based on first glance, to find an issue in that direction but didn't.
minor drag: it really messes up my google finance page. kinda watch the stock I own with it ya know? The page is smashed skinny and scrolling bonks it even more. Possibly symptomatic of all contest entries given that the styles to change are only homepage styles. Plus a new tab with the finance page scrolled makes the stock graph vanish.
I guess that's a "Yay"! ... Dunno about the sideways scroller (never seen that, but since the CSS lays "on top" of Google's existing CSS ... weird things are bound to happen). Yes @ bottom justified ... (her arms reach into the stratosphere, which are not what I'd considered "the important parts", though those with high res screens ... or tall screens ... might end up seeing them).
Glad the colour scheme worked out. I know some ppl are color-blind and I was - hoping - that it'd work out, providing some detail on "hover" that doesn't normally exist!
BTW ... the design has been "Digg'd" (Dug?) ... so go Digg it, if you have an account and ... VOTE! (was kinda hoping yer employer-sponsored computers might help, as it's a "per-computer" thing). Hopefully, I'll ... FINALLY ... get a mac (and see if my photo-caption zoom thing I made in 2005) actually works in Safari!!
Yeah ... at subsequent pages ... been trying to work on that (as I've been using the design for a few days).
And "no" ... most of the designs (all?) don't even address that. I've added "support" for several, but I have to admit ... haven't checked the finance page yet.
The google finance page seems very strange to me.
In IE, I see a bunch of values in a table just to the right of the current price. In FFx, I don't see them.
In FFx, I see a flash(y) news list to the right of the graph, but the arrows do funky things when I hover over them (top/bottom). In IE, the news thing flashes up on the screen, but then disappears.
Not sure what you mean by "Plus a new tab with the finance page scrolled makes the stock graph vanish."
New tab? (only tab I can think of is a new PAGE tab, which makes everything disappear, cause it brings up a new page!) :D
I think I can fix the finance page so it doesn't break in "Go Ogle" (found a fancy selector to target "that page" only) ** I think **
Oh ... what's yer screen resolution?
stk wrote:
It's a FireFox-only thing, which is what made the design fun to do!
stk wrote:
The google finance page seems very strange to me.
stk wrote:
In IE, I see a bunch of values in a table just to the right of the current ****.
stk wrote:
In FFx, I don't see them.
stk wrote:
In FFx, I see a flash(y) news list to the right of the graph, but the arrows do funky things when I hover over them (top/bottom).
stk wrote:
In IE, the news thing flashes up on the screen, but then disappears.
Yer seriously crap at debug huh? :|
*cough* ... not talking about *my* skin ... just a plain comparison of IE and FFx
I rest my case :|
So, uh ... right now I have one browser window open with 4 tabs in it. Only one tab is visible at any given time of course, but when I click on another tab I see that tab's content.
Except when the other or original tab is the finance thing with go ogle applied.
Which by the way is much improved. And by the way NONE of the other skins come close to having even a slightly functional page when on the finance thing. The rest are USELESS!
Anyway the "hit another tab and the finance tab gets bad" is trivial. I look at the page, see how the stock is doing, then move on. It's not the kind of page I would keep open in one tab while visiting the next. New forum posts since my last visit is. I open all of them, then read them in order of oldest to newest. Some I answer, some I keep open to come back to, others I simply close. One browser, many tabs. Fairly old-school by now eh?
Again: well done! By far the best in class in general, and the only one to come even close to handling the finance page.
1024 wide ... sorry - forgot that part.
And I just uninstalled that thing. It broke horribly other addons and threw in some sort of bogus search tool that seems to be way more than "skinning google". But not playing nice with other addons is the deal breaker.
Nice work though. On your part eh?
Now that's debug ;)
EdB ... glad you like it and the improvements to the finance page too. Thanks for pointing all this out and for supporting my entry.
Which other add-ons were getting borked?
Biggest one for me is ... I think it's name is "snap links". right click and draw a box, all links contained in that box open in new tabs. Awesome for like my "igoogle" home page when I want to open 10 articles from this new source then 10 from that source and so on. Plus when someone's "list o links" or whatever each individual might call it looks promising I'll pop open 20 or 30 new tabs with one rather simple click drag release. With webmynd active it looks like it'll do a bunch of tabs for me but only one actually opens.
Anything that breaks my snaplinks earns my eternal enmity >:-<
Nice :)
I've always wanted to make a skin using a overly complicated bunch of divs that causes the text to flow around a background image but you need a background image that has a nicely defined edge ... like the one you used. Never did find a pretty lady profile pic that seemed good for it. Yours is, but I don't think I'd make a "here help yourself" skin with a boobie in it.
Now it's time to google something as I just installed your obvious improvement to google's core functionality :D