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1 Oct 02, 2009 18:19    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Is there any way to host b2evolutio on separate servers, for localized posting, but use one server for user login?

btw this is great software!

2 Oct 02, 2009 19:22

The minimum you'd need is a unique database ... or a mirrored one ... not a route I'd like to have to tread.

Then you'd need to arse around to make a central login system ... tad of a bitch but could be done with some imagination.


3 Oct 02, 2009 21:34

thanks, i will look into it.

4 Oct 03, 2009 01:26

I think there might be another way. How about setting up a separate database for the user table?

5 Oct 03, 2009 01:56

There is evo_users, which COULD live off by itself, but what about evo_usersettings and evo_pluginusersettings? Do they live with evo_users or with the rest of the tables? That is just a quick pass at the tables that contain bits about the users. Others reference the user_ID bit of course. So what you will have to talk to both/all databases all the time and split bunches of queries into appropriate parts to get all the bits updated correctly when someone posts stuff.

Can you clarify the actual gain from all the effort you are considering embarking on? What I mean is what does "localized posting" actually mean and do for you?

Not that I'd be any help here at all! Sounds way too smart for me. Just kinda curious what the gain would be given all the labor involved in getting it to happen and ultimately managing it.

6 Oct 06, 2009 20:16

go to
i want to modify the software and distribute it to local users.
if you want to help, let me know.

7 Oct 07, 2009 00:06

I don't think that answered the question: what would be the point of breaking the database into different databases?

Multiple users is already covered quite nicely, so having multiple users around the world doesn't necessitate splitting the tables into multiple databases on multiple servers. The only drawback that I am aware of is how each installation only has one setting for offset from the server to the 'local' time zone.

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