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1 Oct 05, 2009 07:14    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I apologize if this has been solved already. I spent several hours searching and was unable to find it.

Here's my problem:

When I click the "Read more" link under my blog post, it navigates to the blog posts permalink. That's fine, but it scrolls down the page to where the "read more" used to be. How do I keep it from doing that?

Thanks so much for your help.

2 Oct 11, 2009 15:08

Depending on your version, it'll be in /inc/items/model/_item.class.php somewhere in the neighborhood of line 1100. First find

function get_more_link( $params = array() )

Then a bit below that find this:

			return format_to_output( $params['before']
						.'<a href="'.$this->get_permanent_url().'#more'.$this->ID.'">'
						.$params['after'], $params['format'] );

Now change that to this:

			return format_to_output( $params['before']
						.'<a href="'.$this->get_permanent_url().'">'
						.$params['after'], $params['format'] );

Untested but it should work. Which means people will click through to continue reading and get the same stuff they already read again then have to scroll to find where they were and wonder why it says 'read more' when it probably should have said 'read the same stuff again' ;)

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