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1 Oct 13, 2009 06:42    

I'm using b2evolution for a Knowledge Management initiative as it seems like a great way to get people to blog/write about their experiences etc, which is the first step in getting an organisation to do KM better.

What I need is the ability for users to find what others have written on a topic, without doing searches through many many blogs. I am thinking that the ideal way to do this would be to have the "categories" managed centrally rather than on a per-blog basis, so that if someone creates (or perhaps only the admin should create) a new Category, all blogs are able to see that category and use it as a property of their posts.

Currently, blog A can create a category called (for example) "Colors" and blog B might create "colours" and someone else might create "visual textures" and they will never find each other. In my case, I might need a Category called "Thailand National Leaders Conference 2009" so that any user can find all the posts by anyone related to that topic.

Maybe there is a better way of doing this (like with tags?) but I am dealing with very unsophisticated users who are not tech-savvy in most cases, and I need to keep it as simple as possible.

So... is there or could there be an option to allow centralised management of Categories?

Alternatively, is anyone using b2evolution for KM and do you have any suggestions as to how I can meet this requirement? I am also interested in networking with anyone who is using multi-user blogs for KM.

Thanks in advance!!!

2 Oct 13, 2009 09:27

b2evo is VERY flexible, and you could use it
that way... it will all depend of the ammount
of info you handle it! however, at least for
me, it seems for the best to have a blog for
each one of those BIG categories of posts,
yet, you might have your main index as a
collaborative page that hase every blog post
on its cover (then, on the other blogs, you
have your categories) again, it will all depend
on the size of info to handle: project your
work now... you gonna thank me in a few
months! :D (to later correct todays mistakes
is too expensive! ;-) My .02! :D

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