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1 Oct 21, 2009 14:54    

My b2evolution Version: 3.x

Hi all!

I used to host my site with b2evo when it was in the 1.x series. It was fast and light, and worked on shared hosts where wordpress didn't.

Now my question: is it still lightweight? Is the cache good? What about cpu usage?

I have a wordpress site with hypercache and db cache reloaded, it is fast enough, but it seems my site is eating more cpu than a shared host can provide me, after a lot of optimization, without plugin, etc.

So my question: is the 3.x series lighter on cpu than wordpress 2.8.x series, is it more hosting friendly?

Last qusetion: if the answer for my question is yes: can i move my posts with a script to b2evo? When i tried it a half year ago, all the őű characters were gone and replaced with ?.


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