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1 Dec 05, 2009 04:03    

My b2evolution Version: Latest Version

I'm not a computer wizard by any means -- but I can get around pretty efficiently. I design sites, so I have a little experience in the coding industry, but when it comes to PHP -- I'm clueless.

So, here's my debacle. is my site. This is where the blog is installed.

When you're on the site -- and you click the Category link, it does this:

Not Found

The requested URL /main/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

And Send Us Feedback does this:

Not Found

The requested URL /2009/12/03/auto-tune-and-the-gregory-brothers was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Can I get a little help, please?

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in order to get this thing to work correctly...

2 Dec 05, 2009 09:41

Really? 17 views and no one can help me out?

3 Dec 05, 2009 10:17

Admin > blog settings > [blog] > urls, change everything to "use ID's"


4 Dec 06, 2009 00:42

Thank you for your help, Yabba! That fixed the problem totally. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why it kept doing that. Lol.

Here's another newbian question:

Twitter -

On my Twitter account ...

This comes up:

Just posted Arrrgh! Testing. Twitter. #b2p

Dark blue - is obviously my name.
Red - text the system adds.
Green - is the title of my blog post.
Indigo - this is the problem. This is the URL the system adds.

The indigo links -- and the rest of that URL is just non-hypertext text. #b2p

In Dashboard > Users > me > Twitter box;

It says -- Just posted $title$ @ $url$

What am I doing wrong?

5 Dec 06, 2009 11:29


I don't think this is anything to do with b2evo. The URL on your twitter stream seem to work but Twitter is not parsing the url correctly to turn it all into a link.


6 Jan 26, 2010 18:24


Well, I couldn't figure it out -- so I just left it alone, since not that many people read the blog anyways and I work so much, it doesn't stay constantly updated. Maybe twice a week at this point, lol.

Here's another question!

Anti-Spam and Bots

I'm having a HUGE problem with bots commenting and leaving drafts on my blogs, but I cannot for the life of me find a CAPTCHA or an signifying entry in order to keep them at bay. I've seen some that are like 0+0= [ ? ]

And you have to put 0 to signify you're not a bot -- but this has nothing.

And the second problem I'm having is going INDIVIDUALLY -- 1 by 1 for a months worth of posting, which some days have 10+ on them ... and there isn't like a select SOME or ALL feature and then I've been reporting them as well, so it is just insanely time-consuming.

Is there a download for CAPTCHA or something in the making?

7 Jan 26, 2010 18:32

There is a plugin called Turing Test which allows you to ask a question and get an answer but I think EdB has taken his entire site down so his plugins aren't available anymore. I have a copy somewhere if you want to give that a try.

There is also reCAPTCHA Plugin which lives here :


8 Jan 30, 2010 06:40

Thank you, sir.

Will this site allow me to add the CAPTCHA to each blog comment, to detour any moronic spambots?

9 Jan 30, 2010 08:47

I think so, not used it myself :-)


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