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1 Dec 15, 2009 03:39    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.2

I'm trying to embed a valid code for video from my video
host in a blog post using the HTML option, but I get this
error message. ( below )

I'm not sure what to do to "deactivate" this error message.
I already tried the "basic security setting".

* Illegal object markup found: </embed
* (Note: To get rid of the above validation warnings, you can
deactivate unwanted validation rules in your Group settings.)
* Invalid content.


2 Dec 16, 2009 06:05

Ron, you need unselect Prevent objects in the Group Security settings...

if that doesn't work, unselect also the css

3 Dec 17, 2009 00:31

That was it,,,

Many Thanks


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