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1 Jan 10, 2010 21:17    

This sounds like a problem of architecture. I have a b2evo installation with a Spanish language pack that translates the names of several widgets ("Free HTML" being one of them), and maintaining the blog is a nightmare. Widgets appear or disappear from the page depending on whether I am logged in or not, I can't edit widgets added before the language pack was installed, I even see a "Free HTML" duplicate widget (I inserted the code before changing the language and, when it disappeared, I made a new widget, but now I can only edit one of the two, and both appear in the page).

Maybe widget names should be always untranslatable. Or, maybe some internals of b2evo should depend on certain widget identifiers that should be independent of their names.

2 Jan 19, 2010 18:27

Yes, I think it works fine if you download the language pack before you install. Otherwise I had no idea it would get that bad. We'll see what we can do.

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