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1 Jan 13, 2010 17:48    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I get the following message "Etiket <img> kan niet attribuut onclick="..." hebben", when I try to put a emoticon in my tekst.
This error message is saying that a <img> tag is not allowed to have the attribute onclick=".." .
Of course I do not need that attribute, but it seems to be in there, which you can see if you switch to html.

How can I get rid of that attribute???



Eh... I can't add a smiley in this message either?????

2 Jan 13, 2010 20:14

:lol: :lol: :lol: :p :oops: B) :-/ seems that i can :P

3 Jan 13, 2010 20:15

as per ¥åßßå's advice, i now recommend you take a close look to where you have inserted your smiley, instead of pointing to the dirty shortcut that skips validation, but if you are still willing to turn your code into a mess you can always do the below

but as for b2 tag error, you need to disable html checking for adminstrators group under group permissions

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