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1 Jan 17, 2010 03:04    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.2

I am seriously in need of someone to take me by the hand...

I wanted to try and install co Comment on my blog. The instructions on the site are out of date. I tried contacting the author, but got no reply. Here are the instructions:

Example for b2evolution from coComment Site

submitted by Joel Ross

First, you need to edit the /skins/_feedback.php file. Most of the changes is adding a section of javascript, but there is one line that has to be modified. Look for a line that begins with '&ltform action', then a bunch of other stuff, and finished off by a '>'. Now, add 'name="commentForm"' (without the single quotes) inside the final '>'.
Then, you add this chunk of javascript:

<script type="text/javascript"> // this ensures coComment gets the correct values coco = { tool : "b2evolution", siteurl : "<?php $Blog->disp('blogurl', 'raw');?>", sitetitle : "<?php $Blog->disp('name', 'htmlhead');?>", pageurl : "<?php $Item->permalink(); ?>", pagetitle : "<?php $Item->title(); ?>", postCategories : "Replace with categories you want to assign to the conversation OR keep blank for uncategorized" /* e.g. "Sports;Fun" */ author : "{$commentform_name}", formID : "commentForm", textareaID : "comment", buttonID : "submit", <?php if(is_logged_in()) { ?> author : "<?php $current_User->prefered_name(); ?>" <?php } else { ?> authorID : "author" <?php } ?> } </script> <script id="cocomment-fetchlet" src="" type="text/javascript"> // this activates coComment </script>

The instructions are also shown on his blog:

What I need to know:
1. Can this successfully be installed on the newer templates?
2. How do I do it? Assume I am a PHP illiterate moron and tell me exactly where to stick it? (You know what I mean.) Both where I add the name and where to put the javascript - exactly.

I really want to get this to work, if possible. Any time I try to change to a script driven comment section I end up with the comments showing up after my follow up in posts wherever I use the "read more" option.

It would be really nice if I could just get something to work. Please take pity on this poor little Blog Angel? :oops:

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