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1 Jan 19, 2010 08:33    

I would like to add a couple paragraphs to the top of the contact page but I can't for the life of me find the page to do so. Can you help a girl out?? - I love what I did with your template! I really do.[/url]

2 Jan 19, 2010 08:31

Copy the file /skins/_msgform.disp.php to your skin folder, then edit it

<!-- form to send email -->

<p>Some text here</p>

3 Jan 19, 2010 08:37

Thank you, Sam, for that quick response! Just one more question (for the moment). Will I have to modify code to refer to the new location for the form now? If it's currently calling it from the file/skins/ folder, won't it still be calling that location when I copy it and modify it in my custom skin??

sam2kb wrote:

Copy the file /skins/_msgform.disp.php to your skin folder, then edit it

<!-- form to send email -->

<p>Some text here</p>

4 Jan 19, 2010 08:53

won't it still be calling that location when I copy it and modify it in my custom skin??

No, it will use your customized version.
Same applies to any other file from /skins/ directory you may want to customize.

5 Jan 19, 2010 08:57

Ugh! Sam, thanks, but I was just about to reply. Didn't work. Mind you, I know I'm modifying the right page because I was able to remove the text that said "Subject" after the Subject line on that page a couple weeks ago. Still, when I add text just below the <!-- form to send email --> line, NOTHING. Right now I have <p>Hello</p> and it just won't show. Cleared the cache and all.

I'll keep working on it or if it gets too ridiculous I'll just create my own contact page.

BTW, when I copied it to my directory (evocamp) did NOT work. So I renamed the first one with XXX in front of the filename and just modified it in files/skins.

6 Jan 19, 2010 09:03

Make sure you did everything right, it works for me with default evocamp skin.

Form is loading...