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1 Feb 08, 2010 22:58    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

I just posted my first blog with an image in it. Linked to the image where I wanted it in the bog and published.

The images now appears twice.. once at the very top of the post and where I linked to it.

This is ugly, crappy and I don't want it.

How do I remove the image from the top of the post and just have it where I link to it in the blog?

2 Feb 08, 2010 23:24

Linking (or attaching) an image always puts it at the top. Putting the code INTO the body of a post will let the image be where you want it to be. So basically delete the 'linked image' aspect and be happy with the html code in your post textarea :)

3 Feb 08, 2010 23:27

Okay, I thought I did that.. but I will give it a try again. Thanks!

That was it. Now I feel silly.

Anyway, problem solved. Thanks again.

4 Feb 09, 2010 11:06

You are not silly, the function is.Linked images shouldnt be rendered, its very stupid.
If i want it to get "displayed" i would put it in the content yeah? whats the point of attaching anything than when i am going to show it

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