2 yabba Apr 04, 2010 19:19
Thanks Ұåßßå
I don't disagree with you on the logo not looking too good on a dark background.
Do the b2evolution folks have preferences for font, colour - orange?
Maybe they've solved the dark background "problem" with an alternative logo I could use?
Pretty sure that the evo folk don't care what colour the link text is ;)
Thanks for the info.
I've found what should be a nice work around; I can introduce a free html widget in the sidebar titled "Powered by" and then place the b2evolution-logo in the content area. Looks great :D
The problem is; I know which gif to delete / rename to get rid of the not so cool looking logo, but where do I delete the link to it as it leaves me with a lovely box with an "x" in te top left corner? (Please remember I'm minimal savvy with html, css and php).
Please see opening post for links to blog and skin.
Thanks in advance
andyP wrote:
Thanks for the info.
where do I delete the link to it as it leaves me with a lovely box with an "x" in te top left corner?
Sorted it :D and am learning by doing ;)
You may wish to replace the evo logo with a plain text link as it (always) looks crap on a dark background