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1 Jun 05, 2010 17:22    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

I would like to change 2 things here:

1. when I post a protected message I would also like to be able to send a notification to everybody who has rights to this blog and can read the message

2. Can someone please point me to the php file where post notifications (not comments) are sent, I would like to eliminate the content but only have sent a message that there is a new post and include the TITLE but not the message as all the HTML tags are very disturbing for our kind of readers...

Thank you for a kind hint!


2 Jun 05, 2010 17:25

2) /inc/items/model/_item.class.php

	 * Send email notifications to subscribed users
	 * @todo fp>> shall we notify suscribers of blog were this is in extra-cat? blueyed>> IMHO yes.
	function send_email_notifications( $display = true )


3 Jun 05, 2010 19:39

THanks Yabba, perfect!

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