1 kaylala Jun 07, 2010 00:55
3 kaylala Jun 07, 2010 05:14
They say they won't add that to a global file. Any other suggestions? Should I just keep adding <?php
?> to the tops of all my offending files?
4 sam2kb Jun 07, 2010 06:08
They say they won't add that to a global file. Any other suggestions?
Try to add the following in .htaccess file
SetEnv TZ America/New_York
If I were you, I would leave this hosting asap. Sorry to say that, but as I can see from your posts you happened to move to a crappy hosting. Any normal hosting company allows custom php.ini and .htaccess files.
5 zaderevom Jun 08, 2010 17:44
I apologise that, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.
6 kaylala Jun 09, 2010 17:55
Thanks folks... I have brought your input up to my host.. not so much the "crappy" part, b/c they've actually been quite responsive and helpful thus far. Anyway, I will post the final outcome when this is solved... thanks again!
FYI, the reason I went with this particular host is because of their reputation as experts with ZenCart and PCI compliance, which is a major plus for me since my previous host was causing me PCI non-compliance fees, and they are a rock solid host (a backbone no less): Hurricane Electric, whom I still highly recommend, but they don't really cater to small ecommerce sites like mine... if I could afford a dedicated server with them, then that would've been a different story. Since moving to my new host, Camelot Hosting, I've become PCI compliant, which saves my company over $300/year, not to mention their wonderful customer service as it relates to ZenCart.
With that said, I don't know why they can't add that line of code to the php.ini file... perhaps since it is a global file it effects their customers in other timezones?
7 adminsb Jun 01, 2011 19:05
I Had the same problem and did add the code:
date.timezone = "America/New_York"
to my php.ini and it did work succesfully!
Thank's for your help!!!
It's a server misconfiguration. You need to add the following line to php.ini