2 tilqicom Jun 18, 2010 16:09

Thanks and I'm sorry to be dense but I don't think I've found the right place. Do you mean in the skin's style.css? The Asevo skin's styles.css file only goes up to line 337. I added that code but it hasn't made any difference. I assume you don't mean the css file in basic styles as that's much shorter.
OK, another attempt to make it move to the left.
In my index.main.php I have:
'block_start' => '<div class="$wi_class$">',
Then in my skins/asevo/ style.css I have added:
.widget_core_coll_logo {
But the logo stays in the middle. If anyone knows how to do this I'd be most grateful.
Take the changes out of your index.main.php. The div class for the b2evo logo is "powered_by". So in your style.css file try:
.powered_by {
or specifically for Asevo:
.evo_side_item div.powered_by {
EDIT: Actually, looking at the source for your page, the above probably won't work since you've changed:
- how that logo is normally displayed by the skin.
- where that logo is displayed in the skin.
- where the skin looks for that image file.
- what that logo normally links to in the skin.
Best guess would be (leaving your changes to index.main.php in):
#sidebar li.widget_core_coll_logo {
EDIT: Actually, looking at the source for your page, the above probably won't work since you've changed:
- how that logo is normally displayed by the skin.
- where that logo is displayed in the skin.
- where the skin looks for that image file.
- what that logo normally links to in the skin.Best guess would be (leaving your changes to index.main.php in):
#sidebar li.widget_core_coll_logo { text-align:left; }
Thanks - I tried those but they don't make any difference.
I'm not aware of having made any changes like that, at least not deliberately. I've just altered some fonts and the size of the two containers, and moved a couple of the widgets. I'm pretty sure I haven't altered the postion or what it links to. On the demo here - http://skindemo.b2evolution.net/2/index.php?tempskin=asevo the logo is in the same position, has the same link, and the same appearance as the one on my my blog.
I might delete the logo and replace it with a linked image in a free html section (if I can find out how to delete it that is!)
On the demo here - http://skindemo.b2evolution.net/2/index.php?tempskin=asevo the logo is in the same position, has the same link, and the same appearance as the one on my my blog.
You must be talking about a different blog. ;)
The url you specified in your first post - http://www.leeturner.org/b2evolution-skins.php - looks nothing like the asevo demo you're comparing it to. They're not even based on the same skin. In the url you provided, the b2evo logo links to your own website.
Perhaps a link to the blog you're working on would help clarify.
In the stock Asevo skin (3.3.3), the Powered By logo at the bottom of the sidebar looks like:
<div class="powered_by"><a href="http://b2evolution.net/" target="_blank" title="b2evolution: next generation blog software"><img src="http://www.bushleaguecritic.com/rsc/img/powered-by-b2evolution-120t.gif" alt="free blog" title="b2evolution: next generation blog software" width="120" height="32" border="0" /></a></div>
Use that class name to style it.
Thank you! I really appreciate that. I've finally got it to align left adding the right div class into the sylesheet. I suppose it's simple and obvious, but only when you've been shown it.
Sorry to have mislead you a bit about the url I was working on.