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- [Solved] Strange behavior in evcamp skin footer
1 bushleaguecritic Jun 19, 2010 02:47

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3
There's some code in the _body_footer.inc.php (included via index.main.php) of my skin (evocamp copy) that doesn't seem to display as it should. The section in question is:
<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
<p class="baseline">
// Display a link to contact the owner of this blog (if owner accepts messages):
$Blog->contact_link( array(
'before' => '',
'after' => ' • ',
'text' => T_('Contact'),
'title' => T_('Send a message to the owner of this blog...'),
) );
Powered by <a href="http://b2evolution.net/" title="b2evolution home" target="_blank">b2evolution</a>
Credits: <a href="http://skinfaktory.com/">skin makers</a>
// Display additional credits:
// If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
// Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on b2evolution.net
credits( array(
'list_start' => ' • ',
'list_end' => ' ',
'separator' => ' • ',
'item_start' => ' ',
'item_end' => ' ',
) );
The contact link and the "credits" show up as they should but this portion:
Powered by <a href="http://b2evolution.net/" title="b2evolution home" target="_blank">b2evolution</a>
Credits: <a href="http://skinfaktory.com/">skin makers</a>
Never shows up in my footer. What is keeping those two links from displaying? Is it magic? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)
Also, the magically delicious "evocamp skin" link is broken in the footer. It links to a "This account has been suspended page". I hate broken links - they make me angry. I'd get rid of it, but that code's location is so magically elusive. :roll:
So, do I have to suffer-along with broken links (and links that don't show up) on my blog or can someone let me in on a few secrets?
UPDATE: Some caching issues and editing the wrong _body_footer.inc.php have just caused me great embarrassment. :oops:
Deleting the broken evocamp link now. Nothing to see here, move along.