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1 Jul 12, 2010 17:17    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Is it possible or is there an addin that would allow me to make part of the post public, where anyone can see it, and the rest of the post private.

Example: I want all my visitors to sign up but I want to give teases to encourage visitors to register. So what I want to do is protect everything after the "more" option. So I can make the first paragraph is public and when they click on the "Read More" they will be prompted to login if they are not already.


2 Jul 12, 2010 18:00

you can hide anything from visitors.. it's a core thingy in ../skins/_html_header.php

if( is_logged_in() )
	echo '<div id="skin_wrapper" class="skin_wrapper_loggedin">';
	echo '<div id="skin_wrapper" class="skin_wrapper_anonymous">';
echo "\n";

so that you can use:

div.skin_wrapper_anonymous #something {/*hide from visitors*/
display: none;}

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