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1 Jul 18, 2010 17:19    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

I would like to style the message which is displayed when there is nothing to display.

This is enclosed in a p tag (

<p class="msg_nothing">Sorry, there is nothing to display...</p>


What I would like to know is where to find this in the files so that I can manually enclose it in a div which I can style.

This file is found at

line 1786 \inc\_core\ui\results\_results.class.php

and look like this

		if( $this->result_num_rows == 0 )
			// Make sure we are not missing any param:
			$params = array_merge( array(
					'before'      => '<p class="msg_nothing">',
					'after'       => '</p>',
					'msg_empty'   => T_('Sorry, there is nothing to display...'),
				), $params );

			echo $params['before'];
			echo $params['msg_empty'];
			echo $params['after'];

			return true;

2 Jul 18, 2010 19:48

Search your skin for the following

// Display message if no post:

and replace it with

// Display message if no post:
display_if_empty( array(
		'msg_empty' => 'Some message here',
	) );

3 Jul 18, 2010 20:10

Thank you.

Alternatively to style it I simply added a css rule to the p tag class="msg_nothing" and specified the dimensions according to my needs.

5 Jul 19, 2010 23:06

how can I handle the "nothing to display" problem in a multilingual / multi domain blog? Why don't I get at least the Cat or Main Intro?

6 Jul 19, 2010 23:14

global $cat;

   case 44: // category ID
          $msg = 'message 44';

   case 4563:
          $msg = 'another message';

          $msg = 'Some default message here';

// Display message if no post:
display_if_empty( array(
        'msg_empty' => $msg,
    ) );

Since $cat is unique for each blog, this should work fine in multiblog system

7 Jul 21, 2010 22:39

i send in a message in the message board, but i am not able to see my own message in the message board. when i go to another computer, I AM ABLE TO SEE... can i know is this made like this or what?

can i see my own message? Please respond as this is urgent. Thanks

9 Jan 28, 2011 10:14

Dear Sam I couldn't find the file where to alter the code, so
I am handling the problem well in German and Spanish with changing the translation files, but how do I set up a default translation for English - English?

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