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1 Aug 30, 2010 20:16    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3. stable

My wordpress blog just stopped working, and I decided to change the cms and i chose b2evolution.

I want to import all my posts from wordpress to b2evolution. I have sql databases of both systems.

how to do it?

I found script on the net, here it is, but i don't know how to use it...

sub usage
	printf( "Usage: <WP-File> <Out File>" );
	exit 1;

if( 2 != scalar(@ARGV) )

my $inputFile = shift(@ARGV);
my $outputFile = shift(@ARGV);

open INFILE, $inputFile or die( "Could not open $inputFile" );
open OUTFILE, ">$outputFile" or die( "Could not open $outputFile" );
my $counter = 0;
while( <INFILE> )
	my $line = $_;
	my @feilds  = split(/\^/, $line);
	$counter ++;

	my $wpPostDate = $feilds[3];
	my $wpPostContent = $feilds[4];
	my $wpPostTitle = $feilds[5];
	my $wpPostExcerpt = $feilds[7];
	my $wpPostName = $feilds[12];
	my $wpPostModified = $feilds[15];

	printf( "%d) Size of array is %d\n", $counter, scalar(@feilds) );

	my $wpWordCount = 0;
	foreach my $word( split(' ', $wpPostContent ) )
	my $postParentId = "NULL";
	my $postCreatorUserId = 5;
	my $postLasEditUserId = 5;
	my $postAssignedUserId = "NULL";
	my $postDateStart = $wpPostDate;
    my $postDateDeadline = "NULL";
	my $postDateCreated = $wpPostDate;
	my $postDateModified = $wpPostModified;
	my $postStatus = "'protected'";
	my $postPstId = "NULL";
	my $postPtypId = 1;
	my $postLocal = "'en-US-utf8'";
	my $postContent = $wpPostContent;
	my $postExcerpt = $wpPostExcerpt;
	my $postTitle = $wpPostTitle;
	my $postUrlTitle =$wpPostName;
	my $postTitleTag = "''";
	my $postMetaDesc = "''";
	my $postMetaKeywords = "''";
	my $postUrl = "''";
	my $postMainCatId = 15;
	my $postNotificationStatus = "'noreq'";
	my $postNotificationCtskId = "NULL";
	my $postViews = 0;
	my $postWordCount = $wpWordCount;
	my $postCommentStatus = "'open'";
	my $postCommentsExpire = "NULL";
	my $postRenderers = "'b2evALnk.evo_videoplug'";
	my $postPriority = 3;
	my $postFeatured = 0;
	my $postOrder ="NULL";
	my $postDouble1 ="NULL";
	my $postDouble2 ="NULL";
	my $postDouble3 ="NULL";
	my $postDouble4 ="NULL";
	my $postDouble5 ="NULL";
	my $postVarChar1 ="NULL";
	my $postVarChar2 ="NULL";
	my $postVarChar3 ="NULL";
	my $postEditorCode = "NULL";

	printf( OUTFILE "(%s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s ),\n",
	$postEditorCode );

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

2 Aug 31, 2010 07:50

You don't need to do that. Login to the backend of b2evo, go to Tools -> Misc -> Wordpress importer. Follow the instructions from there.

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