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1 Sep 06, 2010 15:18    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Even though I am a long time b2evolution user, I am not sure I fully understand how the antispam system works.

Is the centralized black-list updated automatically?
I thought that it was, but I noticed that whenever I updated it manually, I saw that it was retrieving a lot of new URLs from the list (so I figured that the time of the last update was last time I did it myself).

I created a new scheduled task, one that updates the list every hour.

I am still not confident that it works, because the admin panel only shows the time for the next execution, but it does not show me the time of the last execution of the task and the result (ex: success or failure). In any case, if I run a manual update it downloads a relatively small number of entries, so I guess that the auto-update works now.

Can someone confirm that this is the actual behaviour model of b2evo?

How to define the weight of an antispam plugin, if I have several?
Is it
- smaller number = higher priority? (as in "the first thing we need to do is ionize the galvanizers") OR
- higher number = greater weight? (as you define the weight of a path in a weighted graph)

How to adjust the spam deletion/publishing thresholds?
I am using the Akismet plugin, because people using Wordpress tell me that Akismet deals with their spam easily.

I checked the code of this plugin and I see that it sets a comment karma to 100 if it is a good comment, and to -100 if it is a bad comment.

The default publishing threshold is -90, the default deletion threshold is 100. That means that if I leave things intact - they should work as expected. Despite that, I still receive quite a lot of spam.

I am trying to tune those thresholds by watching how comments are evaluated. The problem is that in the comment moderation back-end, b2evo shows the comment karma not as a number between -100 and 100, but as a % (out of 100).
This makes it difficult to make a connection between the logic of the Akismet plugin and the info displayed by b2evo.

Some suggestions for future versions:

  • Change "This defines the weight of the plugin, in relation to the others." to something like "This defines the weight of the plugin, in relation to the others; choose a number between 1 and 10 (a bigger number means a greater importance for a given plugin)"

  • Update the anti-spam list automatically by default

  • [/list:u]

    As soon as I understand the relationship between spam karma as an "integer between -100 and 100" and "a percentage out of 100", I will probably make another suggestions regarding the phrasing of that option.

    I checked the manual, it did not provide a satisfying answer to my questions.

    2 Sep 06, 2010 19:33

    Is the centralized black-list updated automatically?
    I thought that it was, but I noticed that whenever I updated it manually, I saw that it was retrieving a lot of new URLs from the list (so I figured that the time of the last update was last time I did it myself).

    I created a new scheduled task, one that updates the list every hour.

    The lack of documentation for anything related to "Scheduled Tasks" has always pissed me off to no end. >:-<

    Basically, if you don't have root ssh (or cPanel/Plesk) access to your server, you're going to have a hard time getting anything "Automated" to work. You can create Scheduled Tasks out the ying-yang in b2evo and they will just happily sit there doing nothing whatsoever--whether it's hitlog pruning, asynchronous pings, or anti-spam updates.

    The sorely missing (and apparently super-secret squirrel) info is that you have to set up a cronjob on your server to execute the 'cron_exec.php' file that resides in the 'cron' folder of your b2evo installation.

    If you know how to set up cron jobs then it's no big deal. You just set one up to execute that script every couple of minutes and it will check to see if b2evo has any scheduled tasks that are due to run. You have to know where your php binary is located and the full path to the 'cron_exec.php' file, but a crontab entry something like:
    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /full/path/to/b2evo-cron-folder/cron_exec.php > /dev/null 2>&1
    will look for scheduled tasks every 5 minutes.

    If you don't know how to set up cron jobs, then your work is cut out for you. Buried deep in the super secret archives of the b2evo documentation is [url=]this tidbit[/url] that may help. [url=]This page[/url] may help you with the crontab syntax.

    Good luck!

    I won't use b2evo's antispam database so I can't help you with your other questions.

    3 Sep 06, 2010 21:20

    Hmmm.. Ok, you've confirmed that this feature doesn't work out of the box.

    I don't have SSH access to the server, so I won't be able to rely on that approach. As a workaround, I will use the following Python script (it just opens the needed URL to cause the task to be executed)

    import urllib
    site = "" #change this to your site, no trailing slash
    a = urllib.urlopen(site + "/cron/cron_exec.php")

    I will add it as a scheduled task and have it ran every hour. Those who use Linux can call wget and pass it the right URL.

    In this context, I think it it reasonable to add a remark to the UI itself and state that the scheduled tasks only work IF ... (list of conditions). Otherwise the perceived model is different from the real one.

    4 Sep 07, 2010 02:40

    FYI unless something has changed, hourly checks on antispam is silly. The way that works is an actual human takes the time to look at what's been reported and either publishes or doesn't new keywords. That means MAYBE once a day you'll see updates. It is possible to get the update right while someone is busy publishing new keywords, which would mean you can get more right after getting some, but that'd be the exception.

    Daily is probably more than you will ever need. Weekly is probably more realistic.

    5 Sep 07, 2010 09:04

    Aha, thank you for pointing that out, I will adjust my cron-jobs accordingly.

    This is pretty valuable information, I am sure that most people will set it to a value that is 'as frequent as possible', thinking they would get less spam; but that will simply cause unwanted extra-load on the servers.

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