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1 Nov 27, 2010 18:01    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Newbie here. I use evoCamp skin at: The formatting on the main page only has shifted and all my sidebar 2 items (the far right collumn) shifted to the bottom of the far left collumn. How can I remedy this?

2 Nov 27, 2010 19:38

a link to your blog please

3 Nov 27, 2010 19:58

Thank you!

4 Nov 27, 2010 21:29

It's a bug with with <more> separator, it's already fixed in b2evo 4

You need to edit /inc/items/model/_item.class.php, line 1070

function split_pages( $format = 'htmlbody' )
    if( ! isset( $this->content_pages[$format] ) )
        // SPLIT PAGES:
        $this->content_pages[$format] = explode( '<!--nextpage-->', $this->get_prerendered_content($format) );

        // Balance HTML tags
        $this->content_pages[$format] = array_map( 'balance_tags', $this->content_pages[$format] );

        $this->pages = count( $this->content_pages[$format] );
        // echo ' Pages:'.$this->pages;

Same file line 1218

function get_content_parts($params)
	// Make sure we are not missing any param:
	$params = array_merge( array(
			'disppage'    => '#',
			'format'      => 'htmlbody',
		), $params );

	$content_page = $this->get_content_page( $params['disppage'], $params['format'] ); // cannot include format_to_output() because of the magic below.. eg '<!--more-->' will get stripped in "xml"
	// pre_dump($content_page);

	$content_parts = explode( '<!--more-->', $content_page );
	// echo ' Parts:'.count($content_parts);

	// Balance HTML tags
	$content_parts = array_map( 'balance_tags', $content_parts );

	return $content_parts;

After you do this, you will need to drop rendered items cache from Tools > Misc

5 Nov 27, 2010 22:23

OK - i'm not that technical but I think I can figure it out. Thank you very much for your help.

7 Nov 29, 2010 18:18

I have been messing around with a few different blog templates/providers and really like yours the very most. You mentioned b2evo4. Is this an upgrage? Is it something I purchase? Purchase is not a problem, I like the template and you have been very helpful. I appreciate the support.

Thank you

9 Nov 29, 2010 23:15

I am sorry to be the guy with perpetual problems...but

I tried to upgrade to evo4, could not do it. tried to reload the previous version and now I can't even see my blog. 8|

Is there any kind of paid support? I need someone to go into my server and make the fixes. I'm brave enough to try and unskilled enough to screw it up when I do try. This blog is very important to me as it is part of my growth in the pschtherapy degree I am studying and a class requirement.

Thank you

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