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1 Dec 07, 2010 07:39    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

I'm having a problem where when I click on a post title, it takes me to the post but the title is listed twice, right on top of each other. Is there a way to fix this? Example: (or any other post on

2 Dec 07, 2010 09:43


		// ------------------------ TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST ------------------------
		request_title( array(
				'title_before'=> '<h2>',
				'title_after' => '</h2>',
				'title_none'  => '',
				'glue'        => ' - ',
				'title_single_disp' => true,
				'format'      => 'htmlbody',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------------

in index.main.php

3 Dec 07, 2010 09:51

Perfect - thanks!

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