2 donplotner Dec 21, 2010 00:50

a link to your blog might help
Ok, I have deleted the DB and created a new one, I have re installed b2evo and I have the same problem, when I click a header link there isn't a page to display.
i posted the link earlier, now its not here, www.rudag.com
I would just like to take the time to thank all that helped me with my problem. Since, there isn't anyone willing to lend a hand, I will have to choose another blogging software. This is really disappointing to me, because I have used b2evo in the past and enjoined using the software.
In the two days since I made this post I was only told to post my url, which is already in the originally post, and one I did it was removed.
Thanks for nothing.
Have you fixed the blog already? I don't see any errors.
Remote error: Demo blogs shall not be logged. (804)
You probably switched b2evo into demo mode. You may want to edit /conf/_advanced.php file and set
$demo_mode = false;
Please keep in mind that this is a forum where you get support from b2evo users just like you, they reply when they have time.
Thanks for the advise, i will try that.
I was able to solve the other errors through 3 days of trial and error troubleshooting.
It seems like the post is made, but a page for the post is not created. A link is created but wither the page is not created or for some reason not visible.
Again any help would be appreciated.