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1 Dec 22, 2010 22:40    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1

I am trying to copy a skin so that I can customize it, I have tried copying single files as well as the whole directory but it keeps returning an error. When I tried to copy the single file only it came back with could not move the file the .php file is locked. I also tried downloading the entire directory in a .zip file to be able to manually upload it into a custom created folder for it, but my extractor (I have tried 2) come back with errors as well and tell me that the .zip file is not compiled correctly. I am using b2 version 3.3.1
I cannot really give you a link for my site as nothing has been created yet other than what comes with the installation blog a/b etc. So I can give that link. It is: but this error is happening across all blogs. a/b/link and photo.
Please let me know how I can fix this and get my files to I am stuck and cannot create anything custom to use. Thanks.

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