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1 Dec 28, 2010 22:48    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.3

I know it's a recurrent topic, but I'm unable to get thumbnail created. I'm unable to diagnose if it's something from hosting or from a b2 settings.

-Media are set 777
-I set to use _evocache. Folders are always empty.
-Files are uploaded but not thumbnailed. Link to full-sized is working.
-Any displaying of profile avatar (in profile, in sidebar, in comments)
-Was working on locale server but not since I upload to webserver
-Can't find the php.ini on webserver panel but on Tools>Systems, I have green on GD section (bundled (2.0.28 compatible)) and apache (uid 48) as user and group

Thanks if someone could help me
PS Blog is password protected but you can correctly see [url=]image[/url]

2 Nov 06, 2012 04:04

2 years later and an upgrade to 4.1.5 and still have the same problem about thumbnailing/cache. I read all single posts on the forum about it, and most of them suggest to talk to hoster.
But what I'm supposed to ask?? I'm not sure I understand what is exactly the problem and even less able to explain it.
Thanks to help me,

3 Nov 08, 2012 17:20

What is your website?

4 Nov 08, 2012 19:13

Set 777 for all directories in /media folder too.

5 Nov 08, 2012 23:26

i had this problem in my earlier installs.
simplest solution: get a better host : P

6 Nov 09, 2012 00:26

@sam2kb : I already tried this, it doesn't change anything

@tilqicom: Yes but no... I can't. It's not my own project, it is for a non-profit organization and can't ask them to switch hosting.

I just wondering what is the problem, what I should tell them. I noticed the evocache folder (and files uploaded on backend) are created and owned by apache apache. Is it normal?
I also read somewhere it could be the "safe-mode". Is it true?
If I told the host those observations/hypothesis, do they will understand what I mean, and hope, solve my problem?


7 Nov 09, 2012 00:32

You simply need to tell the host that you set 777 permissions to a directory and yet PHP can't create files in it. It might be due to safe mode.

8 Dec 27, 2012 03:43

After a more or less 2 weeks of intermittent discussion with my host, they still don't find the problem. They ask me for a log file from my software, but to my knowledge, it doesn't have? Does the debug output should be helping?

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