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1 Jan 12, 2011 19:35    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.3 Stable

On my server I have SSL setup with Apache. Is it possible for me to secure the admin parts of b2evolution? Right now if I attempt to access my server at I get redirected back to the standard HTTP connection. Thanks in Advance!

2 Jan 12, 2011 21:18

Edit /conf/_advanced.php:390

$htsrv_url_sensitive = ''.$htsrv_subdir;

3 Jun 16, 2011 21:44

Hi, I've done this (editing _advanced.php:420 (for 4.0.5)) and it doesn't seem to work. That is, I've changed:

$htsrv_url_sensitive = $htsrv_url;


$htsrv_url_sensitive = ''.$htsrv_subdir;

And it still serves http:// and changes https:// to http:// .

Also, is there a good description or explanation why it's not possible to use SSL/TLS for *all* of a b2evo blog? That is, what are the implications of changing $base_url to https:// ?

4 Jun 16, 2011 22:15

Ah, I see what is going on. I was naively going to:

Instead of using the "login" button on my blog, which points to:

And that does work. I'll author a separate post about general SSL issues.

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