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1 Jan 16, 2011 05:26    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

New "feature" now shows the gravatar, which I would prefer not to show. Is there an easy (or even relatively easy) way to shut off the avatars please?

Again - I have them disabled per post - this is for the "Latest Comments" widget.

Thanks in advance.

2 Jan 16, 2011 18:00

Well for anyone looking for an answer - I found a clue in another post to check the comments related php files in the root skins folder. I edited both and _comments.disp to comment out the reference to avatars and Voila! Nice and tidy again.

Hope this helps someone.

3 Jan 23, 2011 01:37

...and one more little place - inside /inc/comments/model/_comment.class.php

function avatar( $size = 'crop-64x64', $class = 'bCommentAvatar', $params = array() )
		//if( $r = $this->get_avatar( $size, $class, $params ) )
		//	echo $r;

There is probably a better way to do this, but it keeps that nasty Gravatar from displaying on your admin pages as you clean up your comment spam.

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