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1 Jan 25, 2011 01:08    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.3

Apache2/php5/mysql on mepis (mepis is a cheap debian-variant)

Hello. I'm at a loss. One of my old home-server's hdd's exploded, so the name of the b2evo-disk had changed. (sdc is now sdb)
Now b2evo will not recognize my media-folder, its ranting about the non existence of it, or the rights ain't set correct. It's set recursively to 0777 and manually nothing wrong there. grep didn't work over NFS, so i used regexxer to change all sdc's to sdb's in all files (and there where many!), still the same error. I've done fsck from a live-CD. tried another browser, checked serverlog (nothing?!), made PHP5 log it's errors, all to no results.
I also echo'd the $basepath, and that's correct. Tried an alternate media-folder from the settings, same error. Cleared/disabled caches, did the dbase optimize option.
The weird part is, b2evo can read the contents of the folder.
I'm beginning to suspect a poltergeist in my machine. For now i've closed the site. I hope somebody can help me, i'm not sure i can recover the site after a complete reinstall.

BTW, it may not be a b2evo-issue, i'm a notorious tweaker. This time it may be blowing back in my face.

PS: My thanks to all developpers, b2evo is the best.

2 Jan 26, 2011 17:19

Please, i can't seem to work this out. Could it be something in the database? Databases are like voodoo to me.
Reinstalling failed, the only way to reinstall seems to destroy all data first, $allow_evodb_reset = 1 doesn't work. And i use webmin to backup the database, but i haven't figured out how to put it back.

3 Jan 26, 2011 17:58

Make sure the media folder for the blog is exactly where the 'Blog settings' expects it to be. I've seen times where b2evo could read from the media directory just fine, yet I couldn't save any changes to my blog settings because the location of the media folder was invalid.

So check which media folder location options (from within b2evo) are valid, and then move your media folder (from the OS) to one of those valid location choices.

4 Jan 26, 2011 20:36

If what you mean is what i think is what you mean, then i tried that already, as mentioned above. I also made a folder named 'upload' and tried it there, same thing.
What is a good searchtool for browsing the database (remotely or by prompt)? It has to be in there, i think i tried all others.

6 Mar 04, 2011 03:43

Does Tools > System give any useful additional information? The media folder should be 777 recursively.
Try to tinker with the cache folder.
If this is a real server setup (as opposed to an Apache derivate like XAMPP addon) with PHP installed, have a go for the suPHP PEAR module.

7 Mar 04, 2011 07:35

Thank you for your thoughts. Tools > System; Everything there is in the green and correct. 777 recursively. cache folder-page; tried them all, repeatedly. It may not be a real server, i can't see a lot, but not the suPHP PEAR module, but it used to work. (Good call though, i'll keep messing with those modules for a while.)

Now at this moment it really occurs to me this isn't a B2evo issue at all. I can't seem to pay .flv files (flash-video's) either, also with 777-permissions/all users/groops. While i can download it, the server-side (apache) refuses to execute somehow. I bet that is related. I should apologize for putting this here and should really RTFM on extended user-privileges for apache. Witch, btw, i didn't XAMPP or anything like that, rather installed separately. Maybe i should check in to that, webservers for dummies.

Further tips are appreciated, although again i must say this may very well be an unrelated B2evo thing.

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