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1 Mar 18, 2011 05:55    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Why aren't these two even close? Even with the GA plugin installed, Google sees fifty where b2 sees hundreds - what gives?

I'm pretty sure I saw a post on this once but I can't seem to find it.


2 Mar 18, 2011 08:13

b2 sees hits double most of the time (esp. search engine hits).. you are not alone, dont worry.

3 Mar 18, 2011 08:37

Any way to fix this? It would be nice if it were accurate...otherwise what's the point?

4 Mar 19, 2011 14:05

b2evo offers server side logging while Google Analytics offers javascript based logging. This means that b2evo will record hits from clients/visitors that do not have javascript or have javascript disabled. GA cannot see those clients.

This also means that b2evo will record hits from robots (and try to identify them as such).

This is a classic difference between logging mechanism. Neither of both is perfectly accurate.

There is no reason fro B2evo to log hits twice, except probably if you have changed your URL structure and you have automatics 301 redirections in place. In that case, indeed, there will be 2 hits (which are 2 real consecutive hits).

5 Mar 19, 2011 15:52

fplanque wrote:

There is no reason fro B2evo to log hits twice, except probably if you have changed your URL structure and you have automatics 301 redirections in place. In that case, indeed, there will be 2 hits (which are 2 real consecutive hits).

the reason does not justify getting hits twice..i shouldnt have to live with duplicate hits if i choose to change the way my permalinks display.

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