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1 Apr 23, 2011 01:48    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0

Hi guys! I am new to the b2e forums and blogs. I noticed these forums used by a christian radio station and that's what made me fall in love with these blogs. I have a few questions though.

Is it possible to do the following:

1: Post a Facebook login system on any of my blogs using JavaScript SDK? Which allows users to log in with Facebook if they have a Facebook account. Basically what it does is, if put the code for the login button on my blog, it will force the blog to be totally locked down unless someone logs in with a Facebook account. I wanna do do this for security reasons and because a lot of my christian family are on Facebook.

2: Is it possible to sync posts across 5 blogs out of 10. Not the entire 10 blogs but just the 1st 5. The other 5 is for tech support, prayer requests, photo logs. and much more.

3: Also is my blogs able to post java script links, aadds, and buttons or even flash onto my blog?

Sorry If I have not found an answer to these questions myself. I have been working for a couple days on trying to get this system to work by figuring out how to install the blog and as well as trying to find a decent free web host till the 1st of the month. I got the blog installed finally and I got the control panel opened up and looking through the settings. there's a lot of stuff here. This is unbelievable. But anyways any feedback is welcomed. Thank you and God Bless.

2 Apr 23, 2011 02:17

By the way.. Not sure why I chose 2.x as my b2e version but I got version 4.0. Can someone change that for me please?

Never mind. I fixed it. Thanks. Any feedback on my questions above is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: 8:34 Pm Ok I found out to add a Facebook Connect Button to my Blog or someone on the forums was explaining how to do it.

Any suggestions on syncing posts across 5 out of 10 blogs on the same domain name? Unless I missed a feature. Anyone know if this is possible in b2e? God Bless.

Edit: Well I may have figured out how to sync posts still trying to see if the aggregator is what i need.

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