2 whatevertheheck Apr 28, 2011 02:09

Whatevertheheck wrote:
My b2evolution Version:
Quick question. Two actually and I apologize if this is the wrong place. For one, I can't see that link above. I get my own access denied message. Clearly I didn't block myself from my blog or any part of it so I can't figure out how this happened. I only found this out as I was checking my stats on sitemeter and saw this was a page that someone outclicked on. Then I clicked it, and no access. So strange. Any suggestions appreciated. It's not in my htaccess file.
Second, someone is trying to post a reply to one of my blog posts but they keep getting an error. It doesn't seem like their site is in the spam blacklist. The site URL she's trying to use is momentsintimelynn.blogspot.com. Any suggestions on this one?
Thanks much guys!
Oh, and since that version drop down has never been updated, I'm using version 3.x, the latest.
Check .htaccess in these directories
Sam, the only thing in the \blog directory is the standard htaccess file that's automatically inserted and I haven't changed the content at all.
# Apache configuration for the blog folder
# Lines starting with # are considered as comments.
# this will make register globals off in the evo directory
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals off
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag register_globals off
# PHP5
# This may need to be in each folder:
# AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php
# If you're using Apache 2, you may wish to try this if clean URLs don't work:
# AcceptPathInfo On
# this will select the default blog template to be displayed
# if the URL is just .../blogs/
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
# The following will allow you to have URL right off the site root,
# using index.php as a stub but not showing it.
# This will add support for URLs like: http://example.com/2006/08/29/post-title
#RewriteEngine On
# This line may be needed:
#RewriteBase /
# Redirect anything that's not an existing directory or file to index.php:
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteRule ^ index.php
Then there's an index file in this directory nixonvs.com/blog/skins/evocamp/
Check index.php or index.html or any other default file
Hey, never mind the second question. I see the entire domain of blogspot has been added to the blacklist. ??? Just need an answer to the first one.