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1 May 01, 2011 08:03    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hey, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here, and I'll be the first one to say b2evolution is totally awesome and I'm really loving it but I just had a thought I'd like to share. Has anyone considered doing usage polls to see how many people use which parts of b2 or, more specifically, how many people would like to see which parts developed. I realize this isn't a democracy but if the objective is to make the product as useful and effective as possible, then it seems reasonable to spend more time developing high-use items and less time developing less utilized areas. Just my 2 bits. And I'll say it again, really excellent product. When I have any money to give to the cause I will! In the meantime, I'll just try to help out as much in the forums as I can...

2 May 01, 2011 22:16

i would like to donate as well. but i would like to know if this cvs thing is going to work too. i know the devs have a lot of work on their hands. and saying that, if b2e ever went to a 1 time payment of 30 bucks in order to pay a team to get things done faster, i would gladly pay that and I am sure any true website owner that would really enjoy good support and good upgrades would pay that too.

and there is nothing wrong with trying to get some money out of b2e seeing how you all have put so much time and effort into it. i get very protective and very encouraged when I see a product with potential. sometimes I make myself even more frustrated just thinking about how much potential b2e has.

and even if you instead of doing a 1 time payment, and instead did premium skins instead. 2 dollars a skin. I know for a fact I would buy a lot of skins. Because 2 dollars a skin is like candy to me. Its not only fun, picking and choosing your favorite skins, but its also lets you get new and amazing features along with having a huge selection and even having a way to have your board unique from other b2e owners. and it would welcome new b2e users as well I believe.

Its easier to install than WordPress when you are installing it manually and to be honest I would rather install it manually than to install WordPress with a 1 click installer. because I just wanna know I worked hard to get my install done manually at least 1 time.. on my main website. and then after I know I can get everything working manually, i don't mind trying easy installers as long as I know everything will go as smooth as installing manually. that's just me I guess though.

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