2 sam2kb Jul 09, 2011 04:32

load_class( 'items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList' );
This is not needed since you don't work with items
as always, thanks. (:
None of it seems to work, the name is returned empty which defaults to the widget class name. Even if I say
$this->name = '123';
it is still returned empty. The closest I got to renaming it is in PluginInit
function PluginInit( & $params)
{ $this->name = '123';
I don't exactly understand what you are doing. Can you post the whole file here?
* This file implements the Blog Summary plugin for b2evolution
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html}
* @copyright (c)2003-2010 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/}
* @package plugins
*Plugin Name: Blogsum! - Blog Posts list
*Plugin URI: http://www.midnightstudios.co.za/
*Description: List recent posts from selected blogs
*Author: Jacques Joubert
*Author Group: Midnight Studios
*Author URI: http://www.midnightstudios.co.za/
*Version: 1.0.0 @version $Id: v 1.0.0 2011/07/12 00:20:55 achillis Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* Blog Summary Plugin
* This plugin displays a short list of newest posts from selected blogs.
* @package plugins
class blogsum_plugin extends Plugin
* Variables below MUST be overriden by plugin implementations,
* either in the subclass declaration or in the subclass constructor.
var $name = 'Blog Summary';
var $code = 'blogsummary';
var $priority = 80;
var $version = '1.0.0';
var $author = 'Jacques Joubert';
var $help_url = '';
var $group = 'Midnight Studios';
* These variables MAY be overriden.
var $is_tool = false;
var $apply_when = 'never';
var $disp_params = array();
var $allBlogs = array();
var $BlogCache;
var $number_of_installs = 1;
function PluginInit( & $params)
{ $this->short_desc = T_('Blog Summary for a All blogs overview');
$this->long_desc = T_('Display a short list of Blog Summary for all blogs combined.');
* We require b2evo 2.2
function GetDependencies()
return array(
'requires' => array(
'api_min' => array( 99 ), // obsolete, but required for b2evo 1.8 before 1.8.3
'app_min' => '2.2.0-beta',
function get_public_blogs()
{ // Get a list of 'Public Blogs'
$this->BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );
// pre_dump($this->BlogCache);
$pub_blogs = $this->BlogCache->load_public();
$pub_blogs = implode( ', ', $pub_blogs );
return $pub_blogs;
function get_member_blogs()
{ // Get blogs the user is 'Owner' of
$BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );
$member_blogs = $BlogCache->load_user_blogs();
return $member_blogs;
function get_owner_blogs()
{ // Get blogs the user is 'Owner' of
global $Blog;
$BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );
$owner_blogs = $BlogCache->load_owner_blogs( $Blog->get( 'owner_user_ID' ) );
$owner_blogs = implode( ', ', $owner_blogs );
return $owner_blogs;
function get_widget_param_definitions( $params )
return array(
'title' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Title'),
//'note' => $this->T_(''),
'size' => 35,
'type' => 'text',
'defaultvalue' => T_('Recent / Updates')
'spes_title' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Title from blog name'),
'note' => $this->T_('Link the title to a blog or leave empty for no link'),
'size' => 1,
'type' => 'text',
'defaultvalue' => ''
'spes_blog_title' => array(
'label' => $this->T_('Title for blog list'),
'note' => $this->T_('Display a title for the blog listed'),
'defaultvalue' => 0,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'available_blogs' => array(
'label' => $this->T_( 'Selected blogs' ),
'defaultvalue' => $this->get_public_blogs(),
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 40,
'note' => $this->T_( 'Seperate blogs with ",".<br><br>This is a list of all avalable public blogs: '.$this->get_public_blogs(). '<br><br>This is a list of all blogs for owner: '.$this->get_owner_blogs().'<br><br>' )
'blog_post_view' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Post per blog' ),
'note' => T_( 'Select how many post will be displayed per blog, there will be a more link' ),
'size' => 4,
'defaultvalue' => 3,
* Event handler: SkinTag
* @return boolean did we display?
function sum_blog(& $params )
global $BlogCache,$Blog;
if(!isset($params['block_start'])) $params['block_start'] = '<ul>';
if(!isset($params['block_end'])) $params['block_end'] = "</ul>";
if(!isset($params['widget_start'])) $params['widget_start'] = '<ul class="summary">';
if(!isset($params['widget_end'])) $params['widget_end'] = "</ul>";
if(!isset($params['line_start'])) $params['line_start'] = '<li>';
if(!isset($params['line_end'])) $params['line_end'] = "</li>";
if(!isset($params['title'])) $params['title'] = T_('Recent / Updates');
if(!isset($params['block_title_start'])) $params['block_title_start'] = '<h3>';
if(!isset($params['block_title_end'])) $params['block_title_end'] = '</h3>';
if(!isset($params['specified_title_start'])) $params['specified_title_start'] = '<h6 class="sum">';
if(!isset($params['specified_title_end'])) $params['specified_title_end'] = '</h6>';
if(!isset($params['span_title_start']))$params['span_title_start'] = '<span class="sum_title">';
if(!isset($params['span_title_end']))$params['span_title_end'] = '</span>';
// Clear float
if(!isset($params ['clearfloat'])) $params ['clearfloat'] = '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
/* Featured Item Hint*/ /* We can do this with css, but we can use icons instead of text */
if(!isset($params['f_font_start'])) $params['f_font_start'] = '<font color= green><b><i>';
if(!isset($params['f_font_end'])) $params['f_font_end'] = '</i></b></font>';
if(!isset($params['featured_post_hint'])) $params['featured_post_hint'] = '~Featured Post~';
/* Regular Item Hint*/ /* We can do this with css, but we can use icons instead of text */
if(!isset($params['r_font_start'])) $params['r_font_start'] = '<font color= blue><b><i>';
if(!isset($params['r_font_end'])) $params['r_font_end'] = '</i></b></font>';
if(!isset($params['regular_post_hint'])) $params['regular_post_hint'] = '~Regular Post~';
/* Regular Item Hint*/ /* We can do this with css, but we can use icons instead of text */
if(!isset($params['start_span'])) $params['start_span'] = '<span class="newline_item">';
if(!isset($params['end_span'])) $params['end_span'] = '</span>';
if(!isset($params ['empty_blog_msg'])) $params ['empty_blog_msg'] = 'Nothing Available Yet.';
/* More */
if(!isset($params['before_more'])) $params['before_more'] = '<span class="summary_more_link">';
if(!isset($params['after_more'])) $params['after_more'] = '</span>';
if(!isset($params ['more'])) $params ['more'] = T_( ' more...' );
// Before text:
if(!isset($params['before_text'])) $params['before_text'] = '<p>';
if(!isset($params['after_text'])) $params['after_text'] = "</p>";
// Blog to use. Default is the current blog being displayed.
if(!isset($params[ 'available_blogs' ])) $params[ 'available_blogs' ] = $Blog->ID;
if(!isset($params['blog_post_view'])) $params['blog_post_view'] = 3;
// The date format:
if(!isset($params['date_format'])) $params['date_format'] = locale_datefmt();
// --------------------------- BLOG LIST -----------------------------
load_class( 'items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList' );
$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$blog_array = $params[ 'available_blogs' ];
$blog_array = str_replace(' ', '', $blog_array );
$blog_array = explode( ',', $blog_array );
echo $params['block_start'];
if (empty($params['spes_title']))
if (!empty($params['title']))
echo $params['block_title_start'] .'<span title="' . $params['title'] .'">' . $params['title'] .'</span>' . $params['block_title_end'];
else {
foreach( $blog_array as $blog )
$l_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog );
$BlogBList = new ItemList2( $l_Blog, NULL, 'now');
$BlogBList->set_filters( array(
'order' => 'DESC',
'unit' => 'posts',
) );
$Item = & $BlogBList->get_item();
if (empty($Item)){
echo $params['block_title_start'].'<span title="' . $params['title'] .'">' . $params['title'] .'</span>'. $params['block_title_end'];
else {
$n_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $params['spes_title'] );
echo $params['block_title_start'];
echo $params['span_title_start'];
echo '<a href="'.$n_Blog->gen_blogurl().'" title="'. $params['title'] .'">'. $params['title'] .'</a>';
echo $params['span_title_end'];
echo $params['block_title_end'];
} /*END else empty($params['spes_title'] */
foreach( $blog_array as $blog )
{ // Loop through all public blogs:
# by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
// if( $blog == 2 ) continue; // Hide blog 2...
* @var Blog
$l_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog );
echo $params ['clearfloat'];
if ($params['spes_blog_title'] !=0) {
echo $params['specified_title_start'];
echo '<a href="'.$l_Blog->gen_blogurl().'" title="'.$l_Blog->disp( 'name', 'htmlattr' ).'">'.$l_Blog->disp( 'name', 'htmlattr' ).'</a>';
echo $params['specified_title_end'];
echo $params ['clearfloat'];
echo $params['widget_start'];
// Get the 3 last posts for each blog:
$BlogBList = new ItemList2( $l_Blog, NULL, 'now');
$BlogBList->set_filters( array(
'order' => 'DESC',
'unit' => 'posts',
) );
$Item = & $BlogBList->get_item();
if (empty($Item)){
echo $params['line_start'];
echo $params['start_span'].''.$params ['empty_blog_msg'].''.$params['end_span'];
echo $params['line_end'];
else {
$BlogBList = new ItemList2( $l_Blog, NULL, 'now', $params['blog_post_view'] );
$BlogBList->set_filters( array(
'order' => 'DESC',
'unit' => 'posts',
) );
// Run the query:
while( $Item = & $BlogBList->get_item() )
echo $params['line_start'];
echo $params['start_span'];
$Item->title( array('link_type' => 'permalink',) );
if( $Item->is_featured() ) {
echo $params['f_font_start'].''.$params['featured_post_hint'].''.$params['f_font_end'];
if( !$Item->is_featured() ) {
echo $params['r_font_start'].''.$params['regular_post_hint'].''.$params['r_font_end'];
<br />
$Item->issue_date( array(
'before' => '<span class="date_entry" title="Date">',
'after' => '</span><br /><br />',
'date_format' => 'l jS F Y',
) );
echo $params['end_span'];
echo $params['line_end'];
echo $params ['clearfloat'];
echo $params['line_start'];
echo $params['start_span'];
echo $params['before_more'];
echo '<a href="'.$l_Blog->gen_blogurl().'">'.$params ['more'].'</a>';
echo $params['after_more'];
echo $params['end_span'];
echo $params['line_end'];
echo $params['widget_end'];
echo $params ['clearfloat'];
echo $params['block_end'];
// return true; /* Not required using echo */
function SkinTag( $params )
{ // Start display
echo $this->sum_blog($params);
return true;
/* css is specified in skin so we are not using the default css, so we won't nees head tags, other users have to use below */
function SkinBeginHtmlHead( & $params )
{ global $Plugins, $plugins_url;
$plug_url = $this->get_plugin_url();
$comm_start = '<!-- Start blog sum plugin -->';
$comm_end = '<!-- End blog sum plugin -->';
add_headline( $comm_start );
require_css( $plug_url . 'css/style.css', true );
add_headline( $comm_end );
return true;
move the css rules below to -> $plug_url . 'css/style.css
note, the widget display in a custom block at footer with css defining the layout.
may have to define block:inline
ul.blocks li.block{list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0;}
ul.blocks li.block{width:33%;float:left;margin:0;padding:0;position:relative;}
ul.blocks li.block .block-content{padding:0 .8em; white-space:normal}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-1 li.block{width:100%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-2 li.block{width:50%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-3 li.block{width:33%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-4 li.block{width:25%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-4 li.block .block-content{padding:0 .6em;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-5 li.block{width:20%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-5 li.block .block-content{padding:0 .5em;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-6 li.block{width:16.6%;}
ul.blocks.widgetcount-6 li.block .block-content{padding:0 .4em;}
The ideal was to get the selected blogs name to display in the Customize Widget Panel, like with the free_html widget, so to make it easier to see which widget refer to which item, if that makes sense.
I have several blogs with different content and this displays a list for each blog above the footer in a newly created content block "Assets".
Never do processing at plugin init time. Move this to "some_func" method.
Try this, if it's not working for widget params see the next solution :)