1 brandon123 Sep 05, 2004 05:01
3 edb Sep 05, 2004 21:34
That's more like it! I was wondering why you were asking about postnuke stuff here in the land of high-caliber code-junkies :D
The header section is really an image used as a background in rsc/fp02.css, but it'll be a bit more complex than just swapping it out. Have a look if you're game for it. You've got a nav feature on top, a background image (the arrow pointing right) that's actually centered in it's alloted space, then text next to that.
So uh...what's the end result you're looking for? Nav feature present? Text identifying it as the summary page present? Just an image up top where all the soft bluish green stuff is? (Hint: pick three cuz I think it's the easiest...).
I'll probably help ya but I'm in the middle of a really weird problem that I'm going to blame on I don't know what - anything but ME!!!
Okay if no one knows that, does anyone know how to change the logo on the summary.php file in general.
Here is my page:
I just want to know what file to edit.