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1 Sep 20, 2011 22:51    

My b2evolution Version: 4.x

Version 4.0.5 released on 23/03/11

Blog URL :

Hi, Just installed a b2evo blog, its all standard no extras. All installed correctly no errors. The 4 standard blog skins all work, admin all works, its great. Apart from the SQL error messages that are randomly appearing at the bottom of pages. These messages aren’t in any way interfering with the blog. They just appear on any 4 of the blogs and in any of the admin pages.

I’ve started from scratch, deleting and reinstalling everything 3 times, database the lot. Every time the same errors appear.

Example errors:
An unexpected error has occurred! If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error: MySQL error!
MySQL server has gone away(Errno=2006)
Your query:
FROM evo_basedomains
WHERE dom_name = ''

Service provider support gave me this response: The errors that are being output are to be expected due to the way in which MySQL works on our servers, however it does appear to be outputting them to the page. Unfortunately, this appears to be the way in which the software works and yordsu may need to edit the template directly to hide the errors.

I could do with some help please!

2 Sep 27, 2011 14:38

Try to comment-out the following block in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php 145-170

if( is_callable('pcntl_fork') ) // NOTE: not enabled in php5-fpm (via dotdeb)
	if( $pid = pcntl_fork() )
		return; // Parent

	function shutdown_kill()
		posix_kill(posix_getpid(), SIGHUP);

	ob_end_clean(); // Discard the output buffer and close
	fclose(STDIN);  // Close all of the standard
	fclose(STDOUT); // file descriptors as we
	fclose(STDERR); // are running as a daemon.


	if( posix_setsid() < 0 )

	if( $pid = pcntl_fork() )
		return;     // Parent

	// Now running as a daemon. This process will even survive
	// an apachectl stop.

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