2 sam2kb Oct 11, 2011 19:32

Thanks for the Welcome.
In fact, what I experience is new to v4.1.1
I'm upgrading regularly since v2 and this never happened...
I tried all combinations of parameters for the cache directory and none gives me something error free.
It's either
"cache not readable" or "cache not writable"...
or if all permissions given
"unexpected error"
Requested Blog from T_blogs without ID!
I'm admin on a shared server.
thank you for your help.
It's normal that this is new since page caching is only enabled bu default since this version.
You need to give the cache directory the same permissions as the media directory. If b2evo can write to the media dir it can write to the cache dir with the same file permissions.
If nothing else, you can disable page caching in the admin.
I've got the same error, all permission are given, but the error still exists.
Any other ideas?
I figured it out how to solve this issue. If you go to Caching (General Settings) and check "Enable general cache" the error dissapears.
The other problem is that there is a bug preventing you from going to General setting, the solution to that one is in this comment:
I figured it out how to solve this issue. If you go to Caching (General Settings) and check "Enable general cache" the error dissapears.
Which may mean that /cache/general directory was missing
Anyway this looks like a bug, since we need to create all cache directories on upgrade.
fplanque wrote:
If nothing else, you can disable page caching in the admin.
I'm sorry and I feel stupid :(
the "general cache" was not enabled.
Enabling it solves the problem of course.
The error message was a bit confusing.
With my apologies.
PS I'm the same "Jacques" as the one who submitted the commentary concerning the bug preventing from opening the "Misc/General" tab.
Thanks again.
sam2kb wrote:
I figured it out how to solve this issue. If you go to Caching (General Settings) and check "Enable general cache" the error dissapears.
Which may mean that /cache/general directory was missing
Anyway this looks like a bug, since we need to create all cache directories on upgrade.
Yes indeed, the general directory was missing, i manually created it before i found the solution. But, i don't think that's the case, because if you uncheck the cache setting the error comes back.
And by the way, mine was a clean installation not an upgrade.
Now I am confused ;) Can somebody sum up how to enable/disabled the bug and what exactly you see when there is a bug? (a screenshot would help)
Thank you.
Hi François,
I get a somewhat confusing error in Tools/System when the general cache is not enabled in Admin /General settings tab.
It says :
Great!!! Are you going to release a patch or we'll have to wait untill the next version comes out?
New release should be out soon.
If you don't want to wait, edit the file /inc/tools/model/_system.funcs.php line 210
$Blog = NULL;
$result = NULL;
if( ( $blog_ID == NULL ) && ( $Settings->get( 'general_cache_enabled' ) ) )
$result = system_check_dir( 'cache', 'general/' );
$before_msg = T_( 'General cache' ).': ';
$Blog = NULL;
$result = NULL;
if( $blog_ID == NULL )
if( $Settings->get( 'general_cache_enabled' ) )
$result = system_check_dir( 'cache', 'general/' );
$before_msg = T_( 'General cache' ).': ';
Sorry, but no such code in that file !
Yes there is. And the code works great.
Yes, you're right. It's there. I was checking in my local copy which is still the previous 4.05 version... I apologize.
Thanks to all.
Welcome to the forums!
Please check /cache directory owner. I believe you get the error because of 777 permissions, use 750 instead. And make sure that PHP can create new files in /cache
You may need to change group too
If it's not your server you should talk to support team