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1 Oct 23, 2011 06:10    

After upgrading to 4.1.1, I get this error everywhere:

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier 'j' in /home/jfeise/public_html/blogs/inc/ on line 130

It shows up on the admin page right after logging in, it shows up on the normal blog page.

The next error line is always something like this:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jfeise/public_html/blogs/inc/ in /home/jfeise/public_html/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 210

It doesn't matter if I upgrade from 3.3.3 or 4.0.5 or 4.1.0, I get the same error.
It works fine with 4.0.5 and 4.1.0.

2 Oct 25, 2011 23:45

I think I have an idea what is going wrong with this.
I checked the CVS history, and I think the problem is this change:
Revision 1.173: Replace non-ASCII character in regular expressions with ~
Diffing the code, I see this:

 diff -u b2evolution-4.1.0/blogs/inc/ b2evolution-4.1.1/blogs/inc/ 
--- b2evolution-4.1.0/blogs/inc/      2011-09-08 18:05:45.000000000 -0700
+++ b2evolution-4.1.1/blogs/inc/      2011-10-03 11:01:39.000000000 -0700
-       $blog_baseuri_regexp = preg_replace( '¤(\.php[0-9]?)?/?$¤', '', $blog_baseuri );
+       $blog_baseuri_regexp = preg_replace( '~(\.php[0-9]?)?/?$~', '', $blog_baseuri );
        // Read possibilities in order to get a broad match:
-       $blog_baseuri_regexp = '¤^'.preg_quote( $blog_baseuri_regexp ).'(\.php[0-9]?)?/(.+)$¤';
+       $blog_baseuri_regexp = '~^'.preg_quote( $blog_baseuri_regexp ).'(\.php[0-9]?)?/(.+)$~';

I think the problem is the ~.
My URL is http://localhost/~jfeise/blogs/...
So I think that the change operates on the ~ instead of using the ~ as pattern delimiters in the preg_replace and preg_quote. That may have been the main reason to use a non-Ascii character as delimiter.
The "unknown modifier 'j'" stuff would be the result of the 'j' being the first character after the ~ in the URL.
I'll revert this in my code tonight to see if that's really the issue.

3 Oct 26, 2011 04:26

I verified that this, using the ~ as delimiter, is indeed the cause for this problem.
Please select another character, one that is not as likely to appear in an URL, as delimiter for the regex pattern matching.

4 Oct 26, 2011 04:43

Thanks for pointing this out. We need to change the character indeed.

5 Oct 26, 2011 05:54

What happens if you add ¤ char to the URL? Not that it's a common char in URLs but still... it will break the regexp

What we really need to do is escape delimiter char:

$blog_baseuri_regexp = '~^'.preg_quote( $blog_baseuri_regexp, '~' ).'(\.php[0-9]?)?/(.+)$~'; 

6 Oct 26, 2011 06:11

Well, a ¤ char is not a valid character in an URL.
RFC 2396 Appendix A specifies the BNF for URIs, including the allowed characters.
Other characters would have to be escaped with % hex hex.

7 Oct 26, 2011 06:14

RFC 2396 Appendix A won't stop me from pasting ¤ into the address bar and hitting enter ;)
Escaped delimiter will not break the regex, no matter if it's ¤ or ~

9 Oct 26, 2011 06:37

sam2kb wrote:

RFC 2396 Appendix A won't stop me from pasting ¤ into the address bar and hitting enter ;)

Well, sure. But don't expect the web server to even give it to b2evo ;)
Most likely, the web server will bail out before it hits b2evo. They do a bunch of sanity checks, for security reasons. Nothing worse than a buffer overflow due to bad characters in the URL...

10 Oct 26, 2011 06:41

What I mean is it's perfectly safe to use any delimiter character if it's escaped. That's what the second parameter in preg_quote() function is used for.

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