2 kimberly Jan 07, 2012 06:50

This sounds like this is exactly what's happening but I can't find the setting in the Plugin Settings area. Can you provide a little more info - I'm excited to get this resolved! Thanks!
Ethan, it should be in your user settings. Go to the group settings for your level of user; go to security filters; untick 'prevent iframes'. Should work... it could be one of the other security settings, but as Youtube moved over to iframe embed codes I think that's right.
Well, I did that long ago (that's one of the first things I do when I set up a new site) so that's not it... Any other ideas?
Not sure. I only recently upgraded and yesterday noticed the same issue - that setting used to do it for me. I saved while in HTML mode, my only thought is that there's some way to edit the plugin files to prevent it happening (like you didn't see any settings in the backend), but have no ideas where.
Sorry, I'm a bit useless ;)
This is getting very frustrating - is there really no way to embed HD YouTube videos?! That's just crazy...
Can you guys post the code here please?
Well, if you try and enter the HD link in when the prompt appears for the YouTube video ID it won't allow it - you must remove the ?hd=1 for it to work. I'm not sure how to embed using the full HTML code w/ HD, YouTube doesn't seem to provide code for this, I just assumed you would add the ?hd=1 in the embed code, for example:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aEbppeMgmuE?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
But I don't believe that works either. Am I missing something?
I'm going to allow ? and = signs in the code. Will see if it works...
Ok, look at /plugins/videoplug_plugin/_videoplug.plugin.php
Find and edit the following code starting around line 140
case 'youtube':
// Allow HD video code with ?hd=1 at the end
if( video_ID.match( /^[a-z0-9_?=-]+$/i ) )
{ // valid
valid_video_ID = true;
Fixed in v4.1.4
One last question; how do we change the default video size when using the YouTube quick insert in TinyMCE? The HD doesn't seem to work when hardcoding...but if we can specify the size somewhere in code for the quick insert it will solve the problem.
Nevermind - found it, same file, line 58 I think...
Are you talking about video placeholder 425x350px ? You can edit this size directly in /_videoplug.plugin.php
Yeah, that's what I found - thanks!
Can anyone tell me how to embed facebook videos?????????
Is your problem obtaining the code snippet from facebook?
Or is your problem adding that snippet to a post in b2evolution?
If the WYSIWYG is TinyMCE, it is what is removing the code when you switch over to it. You can tell TinyMCE in the configuration (edit the plugin) not to scrub out the code.
Or, you can simply wait until near the end of writing and just go to HTML mode and add the video and then save it while in the HTML mode.